Connecting multiple Apple II joysticks?

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RonsCompVids's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 51 min ago
Joined: Jul 12 2024 - 16:15
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Connecting multiple Apple II joysticks?

On a device like the Paddle-Adapple, is the "A/B" switch just disconnecting the 5V line so that both joysticks are not active at the same time? 

Does anyone possibly have one to test?Thank you!



xot's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 37 min ago
Joined: Oct 1 2023 - 00:54
Posts: 13
Not just a switch

That's not how it worked. I no longer have one but I understand that both devices are always powered. The Paddle-Adapple routes analog and digital inputs from two devices to the game I/O input. It has a switch that can control whether an input is used, but the device is more sophisticated than that, can use both devices simultaneously, and can be configured in other ways using the jumpers.


These instructions should provide some insight.

Paddle-Adapple Manual [PDF]

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