Floppy disk : write problems on Apple IIc

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Floppy disk : write problems on Apple IIc

Hello !

On my IIc :

- No problem reading floppy disks

- When I try to format (from Copy II+ by example) : heavy noise from the drive then message indicating that my floppy disk is certainly write-protected...

- And if I delete a file on the diskette, it is rendered unreadable...

And same problem with my external drive that I cleaned.

To sum up, no reading problem but impossible to write on the floppy disks...

If anyone has an idea... 


Thanks in advance !

hackerb9's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: Sep 13 2005 - 08:35
Posts: 17
Maybe try the SAMS Troubleshooting & Repair book

I haven't had that problem, but I was flipping through SAMS Troubleshooting & Repair for the Apple II and saw that it had a section on "reads but does not write".  It may not be relevant to you since you have a IIc, but I hope it helps. You can read the full manual online here: https://archive.org/details/sa2p2etarg/page/154/mode/2up






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