Looking for copy of Locksmith Version 6.0 disk utilites on 5.25 disk

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Looking for copy of Locksmith Version 6.0 disk utilites on 5.25 disk

Hello: I've looked on ebay and googled but can't seem to find a copy of this vintage software utility named Locksmith Version 6.0. It had excellent reviews online many decades ago for use in calibrating and testing the Apple II+ Disk II drives, etc. I'd love to get a copy of this vintage software to check out my four old Disk II drives and adjust speed if needed, since they were setting on a shelf in my cellar unused for 40 years. The disk drives are working but I would love to double check the speed on each and calibrate if needed such that when I format a disk on one drive it will not as likely have a problem with another drive reading it, etc.  If anyone can help me find a disk copy, it would be sincerely appreciated. I found a manual online but not the actual software on 5 1/4" disk. Thank you in advance. Charles in Pennsylvania

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If you had ADTPro, a host computer to download the image files and then a connecting cable, and a working disk drive and floppies on your Apple II you could make your own from the images on Asimov or Scott's site.  Looks like all versions are available there.  Or if you had a floppy emulator you could just put the images on its sd card and run whatever you wanted from it.  The Floppy EMUs work like floppy disks connectede to your Apple and you just select which disk you want to boot and turn on your Apple.  Asimov and Scotts and MacGUI have tons of Apple II software in image files.




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Must ADTPro be running on an Apple computer of some kind
I just got my Apple II+ and four disk drives fired up after 40 years on the shelf in the cellar. I don't have any internet connection via said Apple II+. All my other computers are IBM PC system type computers running Windows 10 Pro. I have an older that I can boot in Windows & and XP. The old XP computer even has a 5 1/4" drive in it. They also have internet connections. So obviously I could download the .dsk image file to a 5 1/4" floppy drive using my IBM style PC. But then how do I get it onto a 5 1/4" floppy that will boot on my Apple II+. I'm not very up to speed on Apple II+ utilities and tools as its been over 40 years since I used my Apple II+. At this time it is a brain twister challenge for me to try and get some useful utility software tools for the Apple II+ so I can keep it running smoothly and tweek things as needed. Anyone out there willing to make me a copy and send me the disk. I'd also be interested in getting the MECC Computer Inspector Version 1.0 on an Apple 5 1/4" disk too. I could provide an address via private message if someone wants to make the utility disks for me. If asking for both is too much, then just anyone of them would do for now to tune up my Apple II+.And if I can repay the favor in any way, I'd be glad to do so. I guess in the long run I need to figure out how to get the appropriate card for the computer to connect my Apple II+ to the internet so I can pull down the .dsk file directly to my Apple II+. By way of additional information I do have some old 300/1200/2400 baud dial up modems on the shelf collecting dusts too if they would be of use some way. It's all a big re-learning curve for me. I appreciate all the help you folks provide.
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I found this on YouTube. Looks I can get .dsk file via my iPAD
I'll have to try this during the next few days. I found this on YouTube. Looks I can get .dsk file via my iPAD. See the YouTube but fast forward to where he demos burning a file to a 5 1/4" disk using his tablet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiHK0lphiQE
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Using a simple double ended 3.5mm "headphone" patch cable - like the ones you would use to connect an iPhone to a car stereo's input jack you can use the cassette input port on your apple II to download all sorts of files and make disks on your Apple from the asciiexpress site from an iPad or iPhone or really any device with internet and a headphone jack: Just go to  http://asciiexpress.net    The Games section lets you load games to play at-will directly to your Apple using a headphone jack and the cassette port, while the Disks section actually lets you make disks you want from the site directly on your Apple II in the same manner - just put a blank floppy in the drive, go to the site on your iPad/iPhone - on the Apple break to the Applesoft port and type Load, then press Play on your device the 8KFi works most reliably.  You can find the MECC Computer INspector disk on that site as I made one myself last year.  There are also a ton of other disks there - games, software, utilities, you name it.  Locksmith isnt one of the disks they have, but there is a ton of otehr stuff and you just make your own disks using your Apple II and a simple cable and iPad.

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MECC-240 Computer Inspector

TheIImer: Thank you for a couple of tips in your message. The one I inferred from your verbiage was to boot my Apple II+ with no disk in the drive and then break to the cursor. I was having problems getting the LOAD command to work after booting the computer with the DOS 3.3 disk in S6 D1 and then doing a CTRL RESET. For whatever reason running the LOAD command that way the files from ASCiiExpress would just not load properly. But after powering on my computer with not disk in any drive and then while the drive is spinning looking for a disk, I did the reset and then at the cursor did the LOAD command, and then it worked. The other tip in you message that was helpful was to look in the program list on the ASCiiExpress site under the M's and not the C's for the Computer Inspector software. I successfully loaded that on a diskette and later tonight will be adjusting the speed of my 4 drives. They are all in the range of 298 to 302, but I want them to be all more like 299, which I read somewhere is the sweet spot setting for the Disk II drive speed. Since its been 40 years since I touched this thing and being immersed in the MS-DOS world for decades, it is taking a wee bit of time to re-learn the idiosyncrasies of working with the Apple II+. But it is fun to go back in time and get the old hardware to work.

I also was able to play around downloading some games from ASCiiExpress directly to RAM and play around a bit ... like Frogger. Things work better once you know a bit more about what to do and when and how. :-) 

Oh yes, for others info too, the 1/8" sterio type audio cable would not work for me with my iPad and thence to the cassette input jack. I had to use older Mono cable, the ones with only two connection on the jack, not three like the sterio ones. Don't know why but it just would not work with the sterio cable. I even experimented playing the audio into an old battery operated external speaker to test things. I could hear the audio and baud changes with the speaker whether I used a sterio or mono cable to that old speaker. But when I'd move the cable to the cassette in of the Apple II+, it would only load the files if I used a mono cable, not a sterio one.

Now I have to find a link where I can download ADT DOS to my iPad and figure out how to use that so I can transfer ".dsk" files of desired software directly to 5 1/4" floppies for use on my Apple II+. My Apple II+ only has 48K of RAM so as I read it, I cannot use the PRO version. Correct me if I'm wrong on that. Does the ADT DOS disk run on a PC with a 5 1/4" drive, which I have an old one, and then allow one to write in Apple II format to a disk that my Apple II+ Disk II can read? How exactly is the best way to get a ".dsk" file that I can download to my PC or to my iPAD, to get the disk file image onto a Disk II type 5 1/4" diskette? If my question is redundant, steer me to the answer on your site. Thanks in advance. Making progress. :-)

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Prodos 2.4.2

Glad to hear you got AsciiExpress sorted out.  Sorry I didn't go too detailed into the fact about not having a disk in, etc...the site goes into more explicit details about that so figured it would be more explanatory than me typing it all out again.  Glad its working!


As for ADT-Pro...I'm not sure the requirements, but if you will download from the AsciiExpress site the Prodos 2.4.2 disk, it includes ADTPro on the disk, also CopyIIPlus, and lots of other things AND it has been retrofitted so that your non IIe can boot the Prodos - it's good for all II's.  So I would make me a Prodos 2.4.2 disk, boot with that, then see what will and won't function regarding the version of ADT that comes on that Prodos version.  


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Looked up the requirements on ADTPro and it will run on any of the II comptuers: https://www.adtpro.com


SO just download that ProDOS 2.4.2 disk which includes ADT Pro already on it and then you could use that with an appropriate cable to move whole disk images from either a Macbook, Mac, or Windows computer via serial port cable.  I have an Uthernet II card in my IIe and a Wifi bridge so I just access files using ADTPro from my MBP wirelessly.  However with ADTPro (you put the host side on the modern computer and use the Prodos side on the receiving II+) you can use a serial cable to achieve the same ease. If you download the full set of ADTPro disk from the ASCII express site, it will also have the Cassette option too if I recall.  I think the Prodos 2.4.2 version only has Uthernet and Serial options but the whole disk has them all.  I dont think it will work with an iPad though - only with a real windows or mac computer and the appropriate cable

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ProDOS Ver
Hello Thellmer: OK, I just downloaded a copy of ProDOS Ver from the ASCiiExpress site. I successfully created the copy on an Apple Disk II 5 1/4" drive. At the end of the process of formatting the disk, loading and inflating the data in chunks, is to press the [RETURN] key to reboot. I did that. All I see on the screen is the main program name screen which says on a few lines ... Apple II, then PRODOS 8 V2.4.2 18-JAN-18, and down at the bottom of the screen the copyright message. No matter what key I press I can't seem to get past that bootup screen. I even turned the computer off and rebooted from that ProDOS disk. Same home screen and can't get beyond it to any useful menu or programs. What am I doing wrong?
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RAM - ProDOS 2.4.2 needs 64K

Ah I overlooked above where you mentioned you only had 48K RAM.  Prodos 2.4.2, which has been retrofitted to work with all models of the Apple II still DOES require 64K RAM.  So I bet thats why it's only getting to the sp[lash screen.  Sorry about that.  Prodos 1.0.2 I believe was the last ProDOS version to work with less than 64K on all Apple IIs and its an official Apple release so it won't have the ADT Pro and other things built in :-(  However the ADT Pro disks as well as Prodos 1.0.2, etc are all on the AsciiExpress site, so you should still be able to snag a Prodos 1 disk and the ADT Pro disk separately.  The ADT Pro disk will be self-bootable once you create it.  So are all the other disks there - when creating them just choose the 8kFI (Format option) and it will format the disk in whatever form it needs prior to downloading the image to the disk.  You should find a 16K Language/RAM card for your II+ to get the benefit of the 64K and Prodos 2.4.2 though if you get the chance!

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Language Card
Hi Thellmer: I have a language card in slot #0 of my computer. So in effect, as I think I read your message, it should work. But it is not. I ordered a used. but stated as working great, Super Serial Card tonight via eBay. So hopefully when I can get some of this software stuff figured out, I'll be ready to cross-talk to my laptop running Windows 7 and a desktop running Windows 10, and transfer files between the two systems and create diskettes from ".dsk" files. I am assuming that a ".dsk" file is similar to and ".iso" file in the Windows world, y/n? I downloaded the ADTPro 2.1.0 from the ASCiiExpress site and it gave me the same screen splash as downloading ProDos 8 2.4.2. Now that is really weird. I used the listing the is right up top in the left frame of the ASCiiExpress site ... Essentials. They must have some wires crossed in that site. Still confused about how to get ADT DOS working on my Apple II+
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When you run your MECC Ram tester does it say you have 48K total or 64K total?  Also the Plus came in 16K, 32K, and 48K configurations...the langauge card adds another 16K to that..so possibly you could have a 32K onboard and 16K in the additional card?  I believe MECC will break the detected and tested ram out into the onboard banks versus the extended card bank.


ADT Pro I think might also require 64K.  It says 64K on their site: https://www.adtpro.com  It uses ProDOS as its operating system, so that is why it needs 64K.  Apple had 2 most often used DOS versions...DOS 3.3 which doesn't need a lot of RAM however its also pretty limited to only floppies, no subdirectories, etc...while ProDOS was their last Apple II system (prior to the GS which has its own graphical system) and ProDOS requires 64K RAM but also allows for Hard drives, folders, sub-folders, etc.


ADT Pro isn't a "DOS" per se...although it has DOS on it to boot from and launch the application.  ADT stands for Apple Disk Transfer and behaves much like the AsciiExpress site in that as it receives a file from the host, it writes it out onto a blank floppy and creates a bootable disk with the program you are transferring from the DSK image file.  And yes, DSK files are similar to ISO files in that they are an 140K whole disk image.  There are also several other Apple disk image formats such as "PO" which is a ProDOS style image and there are even some othres for the 800k floppies and even hard-drive images you can run using either a real hard drive or an Emulator.

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Doesn't ProDOS v2+ require 

Doesn't ProDOS v2+ require  65C02?

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Prodos 2 65C02

The "official" Apple Version of Prodos 8 (version 2.0+) DOES require the 65C02 IIe/enhanced, however John Brook's modified 2.4.2 (2.4, 2.4.1, and now beta 2.5) do not.  In fact with 64K ram they will work on any Apple II. https://prodos8.com

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I found Vintage verstion of ADT for Windows

Hi Thellmer and all: I found late last night a vintage version of ADT for Windows which I think will solve any of my compatibility issues. I do have 48K of RAM chips in my Apple II+ and also the language card in my slot #0. I will run the MECC RAM scan and test you suggested just to see what that says, but visibly I can count the chips in their sockets and I have 48K of RAM installed in three rows of sockets. That is the way I bought it back 40 years ago to, as a 48K RAM system to run the Inventory Control software I wrote way back then for my small business. Anyway, with the vintage ADT for Windows which I can run on a legacy Windows XP machine I also have, which has a COM1 port I will then be able to cross-connect from the XP to the Apple II+ ... once I get the Super Serial Card I ordered via eBay. I have some old null cables and adapters too. But I read that the genuine Apple Super Serial Card I purchased can be configured as a terminal and thus I would not even need to uses the null modem cable or adapter items. Here are the links to two websites I found last night which were very helpful to me including find a download link at the first one to get a legacy copy of ADT for Windows: https://www.apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Sel/ADTWin.html (which has the software download link still active) ... and then this one which was a very helpful tutorial for me to read https://downloads.reactivemicro.com/Documentation/Manuals/Use%20ADT%20for%20PC%20to%20Apple%20Xfers.pdf I will have to wait until I receive the genuine Apple II super serial card that I ordered. Hopefully in a week I'll get it. Then I can hook it all up, get any kinks out of my mind in the learning curve in using the software, and then when I have it working I can transfer the ".dsk" image copy of LockSmith 6.0 to the Apple II+ and I'll have a working copy of that software. And at this point I probably don't even need it since the MECC Computer Inspector did everything I needed to get all my Disk II floppy drives set at 299 RPM last night. But I do wish to finish get the LockSmith 6.0 done ... since I started down that path. And it has and still will be a great learning experience. And that will come in handy for future file transfers. Thank you to all.

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Excellent!  Yes you need a version on the host where you drop your DSK or other form image files into a folder, and on your Apple II you run the client version and it's very easy to transfer the files from the Windows computer to the Apple computer's disk.  If you have the 48 onboard and 16 in the language card, you should have 64K recognizeable by MECC and also Prodos 2.4.2 and the ADT Pro 2.1 should work.  If not MECC should reveal the issue - is it the language card with the flat ribbon which goes into the white socket on the main board with the socket you put the chip you pulled from the white socket back into the Language card?  Maybe you need to remove/reseat the language card or that flat ribbon connector into the socket.

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RAM Test downloaded from ASCiiExpress reports all RAM good
Hello Thellmer: I downloaded the RAM test program listed in the Essential section of the ASCiiExpress site. I ran it and it reported all my RAM is OK. It also had a separate test to "force test the language board" and that reported all OK too. But look as I may it did not report the total RAM on the screen anywhere that I could see. But just logically knowing that the language card is and has been working and that I can see physically 48K or RAM in there sockets, I believe I do have 64K total. It was a 48K machine with language card extra when I bought it 40 years ago. That I remember. If you can give me the MECC program number in their library that indeed does state the exact amount of memory, and that software is on ASCiiExpress, I will download that memory tester too. But I could not find one with the MECC prefix. The one I downloaded and used was in the upper left corner at ASCiiExpress. It did not have MECC as part of the name. But ProDOS 2.4.2 does not work. The "flash screen" just hangs there and nothing happens. I really don't care if ProDOS works for me or not at this point. I have a legacy version of ADT for Windows now and that should work fine. In a few weeks if I decide to move up to ProDOS I will come back to the issue. I did see in the thread that someone mentioned a ProDOS 2.5 version coming out. Anyway, I took a picture of my motherboard and the card slots that are in use today. Here is a link to a picture on my personal website of my mother board, etc.: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Apple%20II+%20Motherboard%20Pic.JPG So yes it is a language card in slot #0 with a light colored ribbon cable running from the card to a socket on the motherboard. See the picture link. Hope it helps you envision my setup, although you probably have the view in mental memory having worked a lot with Apple IIs. I'm still waiting for parts to get all of my keyboard keys working. Can't use the zero key or the number 8. :-) The tracking number says the package has been stuck in KY's USPS system since 19 Feb and has not moved since. And the Super Serial Card is on the way from the west coast. Given how slow the delivery carriers are these days I probably won't get the SSC for a week, I suspect. We here in my part of Pennsylvania (near Allentown) are supposed to get 3-5" of snow tomorrow. That's on top of the 2' or so we have on the ground now. Where about do you live? Well back to the cellar and more fun with my Apple II+ with its guts scattered all over a table top down there, but still alive. I haven't manage to blow anything up. Just the power supply C1 capacitor went puff in a cloud of smoke 10 minutes after I first turned it on over a week ago. Fixed that and is working fine since ... other than the various issues I've been chatting with you about. Thank you for all your help. I've re-learned a lot the last week or so. It's been fun.
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Re-Seating Apple II+ Language Card Yielded No Fix re ProDOS



Oh yes, I did take out and re-seat the language card in the slot and the header into the IC socket on the end of the cable. No change. And by the way when DOS 3.3 loads it says something like loading Integer into Language Card. So the card is obviously working.


Here is a picture of the card: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Apple%20II+%20Language%20Card.JPG Like I said, I don't really need ProDOS to work right now. Maybe in a few weeks I'll come back to that.


Thanks again.

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So does MECC report 64K total between the card and onboard?  Although you might not need ProDOS itself as your daily DOS...ADT is built on ProDOS features and inherently won't work unless it can boot itself with its own underlying ProDOS system disk.

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I could not find any MECC memory tester or scanner

The memory tester I found on the ASCiiExpress site was not written by MECC. I could not find any MECC memory tester or scanner. If you know the MECC program number ID or its exact name I will try and find it again. I could not find anything via Google searching earlier.


However, given that my picture clearly shows the rows of RAM chips on my motherboard and the memory tester I used said all my mother board RAM was good, without telling me a count in the report, ... and the other scan of the Language Card reported all its memory was good, and it did not give me a memory count at the end of that count, and just assuming there is 16K on my good Language Card, ...


... then yes I do have 64K in my Apple II+.


I posted in this thead links to pictures of my motherboard and the language card.  I can clearly count the chips in said photos and I have 16K on the language card and 48k on the motherboard.  So visibly I have a 64k machine.  And I have removed and re-seated the card and connector to the socket on the MB as you suggested, and re-seated them. ProDOS still does not work byond the "flash screen".  Also, when my system boots up DOS 3.3 it reports that ... INTEGER is being loaded to my Language Card ... or some such words, and that is working fine. So the LC is working, fine imo, and I have a 64k of memory total in my machine.


But the ProDOS 2.4.2 I downloaded from ASCiiExpress does not boot beyond the "flash screen". I've repeated the download and tried it several times. Doesn't work on my maching.


For what I want to do for the next month or two, I don't think I'll even need ProDOS. From what I've been reading about the vintage version of ADT for Windows, I won't need ProDOS.  See:  https://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Sel/ADTWin.html   I've downloaded the vintage ADT for Windows of many years ago it and unzipped it onto my legacy Windows XP machine which has an available COM1 port. I'm awaiting my Super Serial Card for my Apple II+ to check it out if it will work. The card is on the way from the west coast so given how slow deliveries are these days, I should be able to tell you how I made out in 7-10 days.


Where I'm at now is ... one step at a time.  I'll eventually maybe get around to trying out ProDOS but for now my goal is to just get my Apple II+ fully back to life (remember I have broken keys on my keyboard and am still waiting for those parts) ... and also some issue of not having a compatible printer ... for which I bought a used RX-80 and that is on the way too. I really appreciate all your help. I'm finally starting to get a grasp on the ADT software and I look forward to using it to ... transfer the ".dsk" file from my XP for Locksmith 6.0 to my Apple II+ onto a floppy thereon. If I have to at some time I'll a memory upgrade card or whatever for my machine if and when I want to get the latest ProDOS working.


Again, if you can tell me what the MECC program number is or its exact name and where to find it, if you know, I'll go get it and run the memory tests with that and report to you. But I could not find a memory tester, scanner, or counter online that has MECC as its source or a prefix in its name.


You've been a big help to me.  I'll keep you posted.  Thank you very much for your patience the last few days with this newbie to the forum.

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If you got the MECC Computer Inspector from the Ascii site, it should have a Machine Identification menu option as well as a RAM testing option.  The userguide is here: https://archive.org/stream/A2_MECC_A240_Computer_Inspector_manual/MECC-A240%20Computer%20Inspector%20manual_djvu.txt


I believe either should tell you how much ram you have and how it is configured.  


Your Windows running the Host side of ADT still wont get your files across as you have to have the client side on the Apple II as well, and its the Apple II Client side which uses ProDOS underneath the program and thus why it won't completely boot - just like why your ProDOS 2.4.2 won't boot either.  When working properly, you first load ADT on your Windows or Macbook modern computer and put your DSK images you want to transfer into a folder - its called "disks" on my Macbook pro and I just download any DSK image I want on my Apple II and drop them in there.  THEN on the Apple II itself, I boot/run the ADT client program, and it has a "receive" menu option where I can simply hit return and lists all the files on the Host's /disk folder and then I can choose which one I want to bring across.  I also have a hard drive and a 1MB expanded RAM card so generally instead of making a floppy with the disk I just have it pretend to make a floppy in the /RAMdisk memory card then I copy it to folders on my harddrive.  However I have made quite a few floppes as well since some DOS 3.3 games aren't able to be put on the hard drive.  But still, you run ADT on your host and then also have to run ADT on your Apple II as well to do the transfer.  And it looks like the Apple II client version is ProDOS/64K based.

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Vintage ADTw for Windows
thellmer wrote:

If you got the MECC Computer Inspector from the Ascii site, it should have a Machine Identification menu option as well as a RAM testing option.  The userguide is here: https://archive.org/stream/A2_MECC_A240_Computer_Inspector_manual/MECC-A240%20Computer%20Inspector%20manual_djvu.txt


I believe either should tell you how much ram you have and how it is configured.


I STAND CORRECTED ... The MECC Computer Inspector software package in the the Machine Indentification up near the top, and for whatever reason I some how did not see it before (chalk it up to old brain and eyesight) is the line ... APPLE II WITH 64K OF MEMORY. I guess I was too much expecting to see the total memory reported for the memory test parts of that app.  Also as I mentioned, I have counted the memory chips on both and they add up to 64k, and the language card is working fine in all respects for its usual functions. I apologize for misunderstanding and thinking that you were talking about a different software app from MECC, other than the Computer Inspector app. My fuzzy brain is now clear on this point.


THUS, indeed it is now clear that I do have a 64k machine.  But ProDOS 2.4.2 does not work beyond booting to the "flash screen".


Regarding the legacy ADTw for Windows, the reading I've done on it tells me all the steps I need to do with it on the client side, on my Apple II+, to INIT a disk and then transfer from the Windows server all the necessary programs I need on the client side onto a floppy. And with that I will be able to go from there.  


See:  https://apple2.org.za/gswv/a2zine/Sel/ADTWin.html   I've downloaded the vintage ADT for Windows that was created many years ago (pre-ProDOS) it and unzipped it onto my legacy Windows XP machine which has an available COM1 port. I'm awaiting my Super Serial Card for my Apple II+ to totally confirm that it will work. But based on reading what is said at the link above, it shoud.  The card is on the way from the west coast so given how slow deliveries are these days, I should be able to tell you how I made out in 7-10 days. From what I'm reading about ADTw of yesteryears, it will do what I want to do without ProDOS.  That will be find for me for now.


Thank you again very much for all your help.


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Ah ok.  I have never heard of a non-ProDOS based ADT but perhaps there was one.  And yes, ADT does have a bootstrap mode which people who have no way to even boot their Apple IIs and need to make a transfer disk to even get started will allow you to create a very first floppy containing ADT in a bootable format.  Perhaps there was a non ProDOS version that I have just never seen before.  Ill cross my fingers.


Weird regarding Computer Inspector though...Ill dig mine out tomorrow to see what it shows on mine.  The guide says it tells you the amounts and how both Aux as well as main are configured in the Machine Identification section and I think on my IIe it did - I have the same version from the Asciiexpress site myself too.  

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FB Group

Also if you are on Facebook and haven't joined the Apple II Enthusiasts group you should.  Most people in this forum are also over there and its much more active - like posting all day every day by lots of people :-) 

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Computer Inspector does report total RAM on Machine ID page



I must be going blind. Chalk it off to old brain and age. The MECC Computer Inspector program does report the total memory on the Machine ID page. I just missed it yesterday when I was looking around in it and using the memory test functions, and calibrating my Disk II drives RPM speed. I know I looked at that the Machine ID page briefly where it lists what is in the various slots, but somehow I did not look up at the top. Like I say, I'm either blind or heading into the sundown years. :-)


Sorry for the confusion I have caused. I do have a 64K machine as reported by MECC Computer Inspector on its Machine ID page.


See this screen shot I just took after I went down in the cellar, turned on the machine, booted up Computer Inspector, and saw clearly on the screen what I missed yesterday.


 Screen shot link: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Computer%20Inspector%20Machine%20ID%20Screen%20Shot.JPG


My mistake. Again sorry. But ProDOS 2.4.2 still does not boot past the "flash screen". But like I said, I won't need it with ADTw, the legacy version.


If I get a chance and some time tomorrow to keep exploring solving the ProDOS thingy, I will download ProDOS 2.4.1 and give that a try.


Thank you again for all your patience and help.

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Sorry, but I've kind of given up on that platform.I don't want to be their product, etc., with that site and others tracking my information and online travels and who I link to, etc., etc., and then selling that data to target me with ads. I try to not make it easy for them to do that these days.


I also avoid Google and use DuckDuckGo as much as I can. Likewise I avoid Twitter these days too. I don't like what big tech did to Parler.com and other competitive sites. I just don't like "big brother" which I think big tech has very much become. JMHO.

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ASCiiExpress does not appear to have ProDOS version 2.4.1



ASCiiExpress does not appear to have ProDOS version 2.4.1. It only has in addition to the 2.4.2 version, a 2.0.3 which I tried tonight (after 1 a.m. here in PA) and on booting it told me I need to have an Apple IIe to run that version. And of course 2.4.2 just gives a frozen "flash screen" on bootup on my 64k Apple II+.


If you know where I can get version 2.4.1 or 2.4 to try on my machine via streaming it down over the internet to my cassette port like ASCiiExpress' site does, send me the link to where it is that offers 2.4 or 2.41. I've been googling for it and all they offer is downloads of ".dsk" image copies which at this time I cannot use until I get my legacy ADTw for Windows software working, which will be setting up in a week or two. Waiting for a Super Serial Card to use that.


If anyone else reading this can help me get a copy of ProDOS version 2.4 or 2.4.1 to test drive on my Apple II+ machine, getting it to me via streaming audio of it into my cassette port using the LOAD command on my Apple II and then PLAY from the website, like ASCiiExpress does, do let me know.

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Great!  Glad you found the me.  I ran it on mine this morning just to be sure  haha.


So regarding ProDOS 2.4, the earlier versions are only available as DSK images but the changes are so minor they aren't going to make a difference in why for some reason it isn't booting for you.  I also took a look at the development site for ADT and it appears to have always been built on ProDOS so I suspect you are still going to run into this issue but I guess we shall see once you get your serial card. Or perhaps he compiled the earlier builds on ProDOS 1  which might or might not work since we don't really know what's causing 2.4.2 not to finish booting.  I also can't think of any reason why 2.4.2loading completely for you - it is a very optimized and stable version.  You don't have anything other than maybe an 80 col card in Slot 3 right?  If you have an 80 col card ProDOS will attempt to make use of it.


You might reach out to John on the site and ask if he has ideas.  https://prodos8.com/contact/


As for ProDOS 2.0.3, that was the last version created and released by Apple itself and does require the 65C02 (enhanced Apple IIe).  The last official Apple ProDOS version that would run on the Apple II+ was 1.0.3, however I don't know of anywhere to get ProDOS 1.0.3 in a cassette loadable version.  It isn't on the AsciiExpress site that I can see.



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Have you got Locksmith 6.0

Have you got Locksmith 6.0 running?

If so, it's language card test is the best in the business.


If your 16K card passes the Locksmith 6.0 RAM card extensive test it should work for ProDOS 2.4 and ProDOS 1.0.3


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Locksmith 6.0 is still on my wish list

Hello Baldrick:

Locksmith 6.0 is still on my wish list to have.

I have a copy as a ".dsk" file for Locksmith 6.0 but have no way as of yet to get it onto a floppy for my Apple II+. I'm working on that but I have to await arrival of my Super Serial Card (SSC) and some other things (serial cable long enough for convenient hookup) that I ordered to connect my legacy Windows XP computer which has internet access to my still being refurbished but working Apple II+, using a legacy version of ADT named "ADTw for Windows", which the information tells me will work without ProDOS to do file transfers from my Windows XP computer to my Apple II+, and create disks of the "dsk" files on same,  without ProDOS. ADTw predates ADTPro .

As has been discussed between Thellmer and I in this thread for whatever reason I cannot get ProDOS to work on my 64k Apple II+. It boots and hangs up on the program title "flash screen" and goes not further. I've tried repeated downloads of it from ASCiiExpress and it just won't work on my machine.

FYI, here is a picture of my 64k machine's motherboard, and the cards I have installed, as it is now: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Apple%20II+%20Motherboard%20Pic.JPG  So instead of ProDOS and ADTPro, I'm going to use the vintage "ADTw for Windows" software with a legacy Windows XP machine I have that works well and has a COM1 port, since per my readings of old reviews ADTw works with the older DOS 3.3 on the 64k Apple II+ machines. See this review of the legacy "ADTw for Windows" software version of ADT: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Apple%20II+%20Motherboard%20Pic.JPG

The person I ordered the SSC card from via eBay still has not even shipped it yet. People and systems for delivering things are really getting slower and slower over the last year.

If you have a copy of Locksmith 6.0 and would be willing to make me a copy bootable on an Apple II+, and postal mail it to me, I would really appreciate it. I live near Allentown PA. If willing, contact me via private message to make arrangements. If not I will understand, and like I said in a week or two I'll be able create my own copy from ".dsk" files. In the meantime, I'm using MECC Computer Inspector.

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Slot #3

Hi Thellmer:

No I don't have anything in slot #3.

See this picture I took and sent the link to you and repeated herewith of what I have plugged into the slots as of now. Just a language card in slot 0 and two printer controller boards in slot #6 and #5: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Apple%20II+%20Motherboard%20Pic.JPG

I like your idea of getting one of those 64k memory expansion cards. I just opened another window and ordered one via eBay. This project is making the folks selling parts for Apple II's on eBay rich. Oh well, I can't take it with me. But I'll have to wait a week at least to get that memory expansion card.

In the next two weeks once the parts start rolling in, I should get my Apple II+ rolling along much better. As I mentioned, ProDOS is not a priority for me at this point. DOS 3.3 can do what I want as of now. Fixing my keyboard, getting that RX-80 printer I ordered hooked up, and getting ADT to work are my prime objectives at this point. And the hold-up for both of those is the shipping delays and waiting for the items I ordered to get to me. I'll just be patient and wait for this week. Stuff is supposed to start arriving in the later part of this week. The darn little plastic key stems to fix my keyboard have been stuck in Indiana postal center for 3 days now and has not moved from there.

For the want of a nail the kingdom was lost, etc.

Thanks for all your help.

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Hmm.  I think maybe you meant your printer is in slot 5 and disk controller in slot 6 (based on the pics?).  Move the printer card down to slot 1 as that is where it is typically expected.  Slot 6 should be your disk controller then try botting ProDOS again.  Usually slot 5 is for either a RAM expansion or 2nd disk controller.  I wonder if this might be causing your ProDOS and/or ADT Pro issue.  And again, I see nothing in the old ADTw version you linked to suggest it is DOS 3.3 based.  ADT has always been ProDOS based as far as I remember.  I have blanks and can make you a Locksmith disk if you want. 

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Slot #5 has a 2nd Disk Controller in it, not a printer card

YES, please do make me a copy and postal mail the disk to me.  You can get my postal address at:    http://www.kerchner.com/contact.htm    Thank you very, very much. I will happily remunerate you in some way if you wish.

I have 2 disk controller cards and 4 floppy drives for my 64k machine. One in slot #6 and one in Slot #5. My printer card for the moment I took out a few days ago and is not in the system right now. So their is no printer card showing in that image of my motherboard and cards.  I'm awaiting the used RX-80 printer to get that set up and working.

Repeating, I have two disk controller cards installed controlling four disk drives. If you look carefully at the picture you can see the printer card llaying on my table just to the left of the monitor, in the upper left corner of the image.  That is what the image shows of my setup as of now.

See: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Apple%20II+%20Motherboard%20Pic.JPG

Here is another picture showing the printer card installed in slot #1, which is where it was the last time I used it back in circa 1981 when I bought and used this system about 40 years ago.  The problem I have with printing is that I didn't have a simple printer to use with it. I have a used but working (or so the seller tells me) RX-80 on the way.

I took the below linked to picture when I first opened the case to be able to remember the way things were after I started bringing the machine back to life. The first thing that went was the power supply up in a puff as C1 burnt out. That was an easy fix for me. System has been working for the last week fine other than issues discussed in this thread, etc.  See this pic w/printer card in slot 1: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Apple II+ Motherboard W-Printer Card Slot1.JPG

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If you minimalize the sytem to literally one controller card in Slot 6...and nothing else... will ProDOS 2.4.2 boot completely?  I just burned a Prodos 1.0 disk on one side of a floppy and the single Locksmith 6.1 on the other side and can send you.  I live in NYC (Brooklyn) so no big deal on mailing 

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I didn't know Apple II Disk II drives could read 2 sides of disk
thellmer wrote:

If you minimalize the sytem to literally one controller card in Slot 6...and nothing else... will ProDOS 2.4.2 boot completely?  I just burned a Prodos 1.0 disk on one side of a floppy and the single Locksmith 6.1 on the other side and can send you.  I live in NYC (Brooklyn) so no big deal on mailing 

I didn't know Apple II Disk II drives could read 2 sides of disk. Maybe better for me if you made the two software copies on two separate disks for me, being a newbie in re-learning Apple II stuff. I would happily remunerate you for the two separate disks. And I don't think it would cost that much more postage to mail two disks. Sorry to ask for this extra favor. But I've never encountered two programs offered on opposite sides of one disk. How does that work on Disk II drives for 5 1/4" floppies on an Apple II+ system.

Re the ProDOS 2.4.2  not booting on my system, I will try removing the one disk controller card and then try ProDOS as you have suggested. Will let you know.

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Removing 2nd Disk Ctlr Card -- ProDOS still stuck on Flash Scrn

Hello Thelmer:

I just went down in the cellar, turned off the 64k Apple II+, and removed the 2nd disk controller card from slot #5. I then I rebooted with the ProDOS 8 v 2.4.2 disk I created from ASCiiExpress's site into drive 1 running off the controller card in Slot #6, and I got the same result. Stuck on the ProDOS flash screen. I've tried a couple downloads from ASCii and made more than one disk. Same issue with all the disks made that way re ProDOS 2.4.2.

Makes me wonder if ASCiiExpress has a corrupted version of 2.4.2 on the ASCiiExpress site. Maybe if you feel like experimenting you could download 2.4.2 from ASCiiExpress to a floppy yourself and see if it works on your Apple II. If you would get the same stuck flash screen, then I would think it is a corrupted version on ASCii.  Just thinking outside the box.

Some new news though, I then tried pressing some various keys and on pressing the RESET key a small "asterick" appeared on the left side of a new line just below the flash screen copyright stuff. I assumed it was a cursor so I tried a command. I typed Volume and see a bunch of gobblygook scrolled on the screen. Just passing along that I discovered at least that. But it still does not do anything like ProDOS boot up screen menu is supposed to look like as it is described in the ProDOS online manual that I've peeked at a wee bit.

Can't wait to get the Locksmith 6.0 disk. It's going to be like Christmas walking out to my mail box each day looking for it.  :-)   Thank you very much ... once again.

P.S.  The plastic key stems needed to fix my broken keys are still stuck in an Indiana postal center. I just got a message that the item is delayed, etc. I hope some sorting machine didn't eat it.  Of all the things I've ordered in the last 1-2 weeks getting those stems and getting my keyboard working 100% is one of my top goals. Then I can basically put the system back together with the case on, etc., and use the computer like normal instead of having parts all over a table top. Such simple little plastic parts. Probably cost 10 cents to make. I paid $2 a piece to get them and then about $8-10 shipping. They weigh next to nothing for the 4 pieces I bought. A simple bubble pack mailer or small priority mail box should have zipped through the mail system and I should have them by now. "For the want of a nail, the kingdom was lost" ... keeps coming back to my mind when I think of how such a simple part is holding me up.

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Apple Disks

All floppy drives for the Apple II's original through the IIe regular drives are single sided.  Only with the 800k 'Superdrives" were they double sided (two heads).  The regular Disk II drives are all a single sided drive/disk.  The read/write head is on the bottom (opposite the label side).   But cutting a manual notch on the side of the disk allows you to flip the diskl over and use the back side as an  additional disk.   So on almost all my disks I just cut an extra square and then can flip the disk over and use the other un-unused side as an extra disk.  They sold punchers back in the day to do this.  

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Ok I wrote you out a ProDOS 1.o disk and a Locksmith 6.1 disk...both boot and work fine on my IIe computer.  Ill put in the mail in the morning. Both sides should work fine on your system.  Im also including a 2.4.2 disk which also boots fine on my Iiie.  So you shoud expect a 2.4.2, 1.0, and Locksmith 6.1 disk.  One of them I double sided but labeled.  Your Disk drive can handle double sided disks with flipping - a very common thing both during the day as well as now.

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I have a "nibbling" tool that I used for aluminum project boxes


Yes, now I remember that. My 75 year old brain recovered that from deep memory as I read your message. I have what is called a "nibbling tool" that I used to make square holes in aluminum project boxes back in my bread boarding days. I used to do the same thing years ago. It's coming back. I can use that tool to nibble out the extra notch.

Since floppy disks are getting harder to get for a good price, I think I'll break out my "nibbling tool" and make some double side use diskettes too, just for fun. But I'll probably put the two programs you are sending me onto new single side use separate disk and keep the double sided use as the back up. But I'm going to have to be careful because I also have a magnetic disk eraser in my old tools boxes and I've been using that to totally reprep old floppy disks before formatting.  Got to keep that away from my important diskettes.  :-)

Look forward to getting the disk as you describe. It should work.

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ha yes keep far far away any magnets :-)  Im sending a ProDOS 1, Prodos 2.4.2, and a Locksmith 6.1 disk which all work fine on my IIe. Hopefully we can figure out what isn't working on yours if they do not work.  I still cant see anywhere that ADT requires anything less than ProDOS.  ProDOS was simply the 'new' DOS version Apple created to handle more hierarchial structures and speeds than DOS 3.3.  And with 1.0.3...and now 2.4.x work on any Apple II.

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My Super Serial Card (SSC) was finally shipped

Hi Thellmer:

Thank you for making those disks. I look forward to getting them. I'm sure we will get ProDOS working eventually on my system. If your ProDOS 2.4.2 works then we'll know for sure that ASCiiExpress was giving me a corrupted version. Like I said I downloaded from that site several times on multiple disks thinking maybe I had a bad download on the first time. But none of them worked. Same splash screen lock up.

When I get my SSC card which is now finally on the way per the seller messaging me today, finally arrives, I'm sure I'll learn if my reading of the reviews of antiquity about vintage 1990s "ADTw for Windows" will allow it to work without ProDOS, or not.

The problem I'm having with ProDOS will be solved, one way or the other. I have that 64K memory expansion card on order, like you suggested I try that, which will add to the 64k in the machine right now.  And if the vintage "ADTw for Windows" still requires ProDOS as you are saying, and I am wrong about what I was reading, well then I absolutely will have to get ProDOS working on my machine.

Right now my bets are that I'm getting a corrupted version of the ProDOS version 2.4.2 via the download process from ASCiiExpress. JMHO on that. When I get your disk, let's hope it boots my machine right up into ProDOS.

The below link is a picture of my Apple II+ in its current physical disembled state on a table in my cellar:


We had more snow here in PA today. About 4" where I live. And it was a wet and heavy variety. So the smaller electric snow blower was not very effective.  I had to use my gas powered 8hp snow blower. That unit can go through a foot or more when we get that much.  Last year I only used it once. This year I'm using it a couple times a week here in PA here of late. I have a mountain of snow at the end of my driveway. :-)

I got my nibbling tool out and took a blank disk and nibbled the rectangular slot on the other side and then formatted both sides and loaded DOS 3.3 on both sides. Worked great.  Just like the good old days.

Thanks for the heads up reminder on that old trick. I had forgotten it..

Will keep you posted as to how the disks you are sending work out.

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I have the disks ready to mail.  I'll get the package out tomorrow.  It snowed all morning here in Brooklyn but because of the temps and sun over the weekend thankfully I didnt have to shovel the walk.  I booted all three images on my IIe and  played with various features in each set and no issues at all, however I also re-downloaded the ProDOS 2.4.2 image from the Ascii site as well and it also worked fine.  But we will get you there regardless :-)  

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ADTPRO via audio

I'm not sure I get what's the issue with you not being able to run ProDOS.  You've confirmed that when you used the ASCII Express website to force-load ProDOS into your Apple via the cassette ports.

The latest ProDOS version 2.4 should be able to run fine on your II+.  It's earlier versions that needed a 65C02 to work.

And ADTPro's latest version can bootstrap ProDOS onto your machine via the cassette port.  Your windows PC's headphone jack and a 3.5 mm monophonic audio cord is all you need.  Some experimentation with volume (high-ish) might be necessary.


Once ProDOS is bootstrapped you can then transfer ADTPro onto the Apple via the Cassette Port.  These options are in ADTPro's "Bootstrap" menu.

Once ADTPro is running on the Apple you can then TRANSFER the ADTPro disk image that comes with the Windows version of ADTPro and write it to a newly formatted disk (ADTPro will format the disk for you).

Then you should be able to boot ADTPro from your floppy drive.


You've got all the tools to get Locksmith onto a diskette.  Using the cassette ports wth ADTPro is a bit tedious and slower than using the Super Serial card but it does work.


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Thellmer is mailing me some programs on disk
Hello Baldrick: Thellmer is mailing me some programs on disk. I've also got some various parts and cables on order via eBay. Once I get everything this week or if delivery keeps lagging like it has been, next week, then I'll be trying various things to try and solve my issue in getting ProDOS working on my 64k Apple II+ which has been on a shelf in my cellar for almost 40 years. I still have some broken keys to fix and am waiting for parts. The Apple II+ is dissembled in pieces on a table top right now and its not close to any windows machine for now. Once I get the broken stuff fixed on the machine and put back together I can move it closer to an XP or Windows 10 machine and cross connect them either via audio cable or serial cable, if and when my SSC card gets here. Been waiting almost a week for that. Delivery is so, so slow these days. So there are a lot more pressing items for me to fix on the machine than to resolve the ProDOS issue at this moment. The issue will be resolved, one way or another. Thank you for the suggestions.
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My Language Card is one made by Unitron, not Apple

Hi Thellmer:

I wonder if this language card (a UNITRON) which is what I have in my machine, and it not being a language card specifically branded with the genuine Apple name on it, is the reason I'm having problems getting ProDOS to work?

See: http://www.applelogic.org/files/UNITRON_LC.jpg  for a picture of it ...

and this discussion link about Unitron version language card ...


It has some sort of funky ROM chip on the far right side of it for which I don't really understand its purpose, even though I read some about it online. So the UNITRON card was designed to do more than just provide 16k of more RAM. And thus that ROM chip may involved somehow with part of my problem getting ProDOS 2.4.2 to boot.

When my computer boots up in DOS 3.3. the name Unitron is at the top of the monitor, not Apple, as I've seen in some screen shots online. Could this unique version of the language card be a possible cause of my not being able to boot ProDOS 2.4.2 past the "flash screen" where it just stops and goes not further. Just wondering.

But remember, when I scanned the language card with MECC Computer Inspector it reported 16k as good RAM on the card.

If I remove the language card from slot #0 and pull that header out of the socket on the motherboard, and then boot up my machine will it hurt/damage anything ... beyond just temporaily having 48k or less of RAM left to boot DOS 3.3 into the machine. I'm curious but a bit afraid to try it without some reasurrance from you gurus that I won't damage anything by trying that. I'd be curious if with the LC card out it would now say Apple on the top line of the DOS 3.3 boot "flash screen"

I think I'll shop around for a cheap, genuine Apple brand language card.

Boy, my credit card bill is going to be huge given all the card, cables, RX80 pringter, and other things I bought online in the last week to fire up this retro ... get the Apple II+ working again, in style.

Oh yes, and then there is this question in my mind.  Why do they call it a Language Card when its normal use seems to have nothing to do with the lanugage of the computer or the operator? 

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Removing language card & boot experiment for my Apple II+

I got up the courage after thinking through that the socket from the language card simply replaced a 4116 memory chip. So I pulled out the LC card and "borrowed" a 4116 chip from the LC card and put said borrowed chip into the now empty socket in the 48K memory chips section of the mother board. I then turned the power back on and booted it up with MECC Computer Inspector. Sure enough it says 48k. And when I booted up the system with DOS 3.3, it now says Apple II at the top of the boot screen and not Unitron. Of course with 48k I can't run ProDOS. But it did enlighten me a we bit more as why I was seeing Unitron on an Apple II boot up screen when I booted up DOS 3.3. I'll put it all back the way it was. And nothing smoked. Time to call it quits for the night. After 2 a.m. here.

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Possibly a silly question

What happens if you remove the ROM on the Language card? Does the system boot to ProDOS then?



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cfkerchner wrote:Hi Thellmer
cfkerchner wrote:

Hi Thellmer:

I wonder if this language card (a UNITRON) which is what I have in my machine, and it not being a language card specifically branded with the genuine Apple name on it, is the reason I'm having problems getting ProDOS to work?

See: http://www.applelogic.org/files/UNITRON_LC.jpg  for a picture of it ...


That card you have is Language ROM card with an F8 ROM in it. 

When you use it, the card inhibits the F8 ROM on the motheboard and activates the F8 ROM on the card.  If the computer's bootup annoncement with the card installed says "UNITRON" and without the card says APPLE ][ then that could be the reason why older versions of ProDOS (like 1.0.0 and 1.0.1) because they scan for the bootup annuncement string "APPLE ][" and if it doesn't see it, it will hang.


In any case you do need 64K to rum ProDOS so if you want to be sure with old versions of ProDOS just swap the F8 ROM on the motherboard with the one on the card, which will put the "APPLE ][" ROM onto the card and the card will inhibit the "UNITRON" ROM which now resides on the motherboard.


Of course, with ProDOS 2.4 this is moot.  These new releases of ProDOS including the one included with ADTPro not only work in II+ and non-enhanced IIe machines, they also bypass the search for the "APPLE ][" string.

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Unitron Language card and F8 ROM thereon

Hello Baldrick:

Thank you for the information on that Unitron language card about that F8 ROM chip. I just this evening ordered on eBay a straight 16K memory only "language" card made by Microsoft. I should get it in a few days. Couldn't find a genuine Apple one for a decent price. I don't want to do that ROM swapping thingy. I want to keep my mother board as vintage as possible. And I'll have the Unitron one as a "spare", etc.

The ProDOS 2.4 not booting for me issue is still a few steps away on my to-do list.

Today I got some of the "key stem" plastic parts (finally arrived) to replace some broken stems in my keyboard and I repaired my keyboard. I only had to take it apart and re-assemble it 5 times. :-(   No beer. Just patience.

What I ended up doing was scotch taping the clear mylar/pastic shielf in place after aligning it properly so it would not move while trying to put all the little screws back in. I also had to "stroke" a couple of the leaf springs with a small needle nose pliers, as we used to say in the Navy, i.e., carefully bend them a little bit. That project was a lot of fun .... ;-)

I have a Apple 80COL/64K Memory Expansion Card on eBay. I also order some spare TMM416P-3 Integrated Circuit since I see they are getting harder and harder to get. People on eBay want dollars for a chip that once cost nickles. Supply and demand, as they say. Once I get my Apple II+ fully working, I want to keep it working, at least until I'm 85. I'm 75 now. :-)

The next problem I solved tonight was my printer and cable card not working with the used Epson RX80 printer I got today. I had ordered a new cable and Orange Micro Grappler+ Parallel Printer Interface card. Good thing I did that and got it a couple days ago since it turned out to be a bad printer card. So now I can print to the printer. The PR#1 command no longer gives me a "NOT READY" error message like the bad card did.

But I still have to figure out something. The printer goes off line after it prints a line of text. I put it back online via the RX80 printer buttons and it goes off again after the next line. So ... its either a DIP switch setting issue on the card, on the printer, or the seller on eBay sold me a defective RX80.

But at least my parallel printer port is working now. I'll be reading up on DIP switches tonight. If someone knows the immediate answer, do share it with me.

I did try to reboot ProDOS 8 v 2.4.2 after I replaced the bad printer card (it was giving a not ready error) with the new Orange Micro Grappler+ Parallel Printer Interface Card. Still won't boot to the ProDOS menu. Hangs up on the name and copyright notice flash screen, like it has been.

I got a nice monitor stand online on eBay. The seller really robbed me on that item. But I wanted it for the neat look of it. So, here is a picture of my re-assembled and re-installed keyboard in the machine and top of the case back on, as of 10 p.m. tonight. I had take a break after my keyboard repair and other tasks today.

See picture: http://www.kerchner.com/images/computers/Apple-II+ Reassembled_Plus-New-Monitor-Stand.JPG

When the LockSmith 6.1 program disk arrives in the mail from Thellmer along with other things on disks he sent me, by that time I should be in a position to tackle the ProDOS 2.4.2 not working on my machine.

I will likely start a whole new thread at that time since this one started out to be about getting a copy of LockSmith 6.0. And it has kind of meandered into many other of my almost 40 year old 64k Apple II+'s problems and broken parts. But it sure has been fun and a real learning experience so far.

Thank you Baldrick and Thellmer and all who have been trying to help me. I really, really appreciate it.

Now I have to get into reading up on DIP switch settings for Grappler+ printer card and Epson RX-80 printer.

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Joined: Jan 1 2020 - 15:56
Posts: 82
Looking good

Looks like its coming back in business...one step at a time.  I mailed the disks yesterday so you should get them before long I would think.  With the regular language card and the 80 col/64K you should be able to run a lot of stuff (Prodos 2.4 as well) whether you download from the AsciiExpress site or Asimov or Scott's respository using ADT from your windows computer to the Apple.    I figure your printer issue is a DIP setting on either the Parallel card or the printer itself.  Probably some control code setting or carriage return not set correctly that is throwing it offline at the end of each line. You may have to play around with both sides until you find the right combo.  I have an Apple Parallel card in a box since I have the serial Imagewriter printer and no reason to use the parallel and I don't have any experience with the Grappler but I think it has a print buffer built in where you can send a job to the printer with certain software and not have to wait on the printer to print one like at a time (Printshop, Appleworks, etc...) My only experience with Parallel cards is from the IBM/PC world which I used to work exclusively in.  I have the same monitor stand for my IIe.  Hopefully you didn't hve to pay a lot.  I got mine for like $40 year before last, but lately on eBay those things have been well over $100 to $150.

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Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: Feb 18 2021 - 03:10
Posts: 59
The Printer Stand Cost Me $200 + $80 Shipping
Hi Thellmer:
Looking forward to getting the cards I ordered and also your disks.
I really got ripped off on the stand. But I really, really wanted it.  I had to pay the asking price of $200 and $80 for shipping. The seller said the stand only weighed about 6 pounds but what ran up the shipping cost per him was the size of the box needed to ship it.  So it cost me $280. You really got a deal at $40.  I have spent a ton of money on getting this old Apple II+ working. Oh well, the stock market has done well since the summer slump. And what good is money if you can't spend it on one's hobbies.  :-)
I further noticed a prior reporting error on explaining about the printer going off line. In diagnosing a bit on the printer and more carefull noting what steps I had to do to deal with the off line online again, I made better notes.  To reset the RX80 after it goes off line during printing one line of 80 character text. And lines that are not a full 80 characters print OK. It is only when the text line is about 57 characters that the printer goes off line.  Really weird.  I have to turn the power swith off and back on. So it is not just the online light going off.  Pressing the online button does not get it back to online status after it goes off line. I have to cycle the printer power switch off and back on.  Also again, I noticed that it is only printing part of each 80 character line ... 5 3/4" of text at 10 characters per inch and then the printer goes off line. It may be more than a DIP switch issue. The Epson RX80 DIP switches are set at the factory default positions for the U.S. market. And the Grappler+ is set for the recommended DIP switch settings for the EPSON series printers, i.e., SW1 on and SW2, SW3, and SW4 off. I downloaded and printed out the User Manuals for both devices.  Now I'm thinking maybe something is wrong with the printer. If so I'll have to take the lid off it and learn how to fix printers. :-)  Or may the 80 column 64k card I orded on eBay will solve this provlem as well as my ProDOS problem.  This is a lot of fun for my rusty old brain. Oh well, I'm enjoying.  And the Apple II+ is a joy to disassemble and put back together compared to the newer consumer mass market machines sold today.
Tomorrow I'm going to hook the printer up to my working legacy Windows XP machine. And on that XP on another subject I'm planning to change out the Tyan Pentium III motherboard next week and replac it with a use Tyan Pentium 4 mother board which is the exact same form factor for the back plate, etc. I needed to do this since several modern programs for virus checking and fast backup utilities are using comannds not supported by the Pentium III cpu. So keep the old XP maching going with all its legacy peripherals, I'm gonna do it. I got the motherboard with CPU and memory in it and shipping for only $50. He says he bench tested it up in NH where he fixes computers and sells old parts, and that it works fine.  We'll see.  I'll  probably bench test the motherboard myself prior to ripping apart my old XP and then find out the new used MB doesn't work, etc.
 If the RX80 printer works well on that XP, then I'll know it is not a defective printer I got taken with, etc. The seller did give me three extra ink cartridges with it as a bonus. That was nice. And I only paid $39 plus $10 shipping for it from NJ. At least diagnostically it helped me find the bad parallel printer card.  Heck, doctors charge a lot more than $49 to find a problem.  :-)
Maybe for my Apple II+ the 80 column / 64k card will make the printer work better.  Don't know.  Just thinking out loud. The Inventory Control w/MRP Program I wrote back in 1980 and then had converted to Apple Basic in 1982, required an 80 column printer. At that time people were buying the Apple IIe model to use my program, which I think is what I recall. And I think the Apple IIe had 80 column printing ability built right in. Correct me if I'm wrong. So, as of now I can print a line of approximately 57 characters out of 80 in the line and then the printer goes off line. I recycle the power switch and it prints another line of about 57 characters out of 80 on the next  line. Really weird.  But I'll figure more out tomorrow. I'm making progress slow but sure.
All this thread and saga started with me being a first time poster here and looking for a copy of Locksmith 6.0. It's been a meandering but fun exercise.  :-)

 Thanks again for all your help and patience.




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