Compressed picts

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Joined: Jan 27 2021 - 10:16
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Compressed picts

Hello to everyone, I have a bunch of old 5'4 floppies where are stored many pictures. They are in a compressed format with the suffix .PAC and were compressed using a software program called Transition by Penguin Software. I still have it and it runs letting me viewing the pictures, but I'd like to save them uncompressed to transfer them to my Mac. Unfortunately, the program doesn't allow me to unpack the pictures. Does anyone know a method or software to rescue them? Thanks

Last seen: 6 min 41 sec ago
Joined: Jun 6 2020 - 10:50
Posts: 475
Looking at the manual for

Looking at the manual for Transitions (I've never used it personally, or packed pictures), it seems other Penguin software can also read the packed files. They mention specifically The Complete Graphics Ststem II.



Reading that manual, it seems to have a graphics converter as part of its functionality. Maybe it can convert .PAC files back to a standard image file?



It doesn't list what formats it supports. But it does explicitly say there is a function to convert the Penguin format to other formats. 

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