Testing Ram on apple II Plus.

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Testing Ram on apple II Plus.

I used the following program.


C050 C053 C054 C057 N 265:FF N 266<265.BFFEM 266<265.BFFEV 265:0 N 266<265.BFFEM 266<265.BFFEV 34:14 (Return)


came back with serval numbers.  All the original apple chips have some stuff on them. But not down into the pin socketts. Of all strange things. I would just like to replace the 48k total with all new memory due to this. If somebody can point me in the correct direction. I would appriciated it.  The numbers on the chips are tm-s4116-20nl. So Texas instruments 20n ns? chips.


From my understanding this test the first 48 k. I have the optional card. Would like to test that too. I'm not suprised it has a memory issue due to the strange issues it was having when trying to use it.


Thanks for any help,


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I would recommend that you

I would recommend that you run something like Apple Dealer Diagnostics or XPS Diagnostics.  Those will give you a more thorough memory check.  You can download them from the Asimov Apple II Archive and other places.


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Can't get it stable enough.

I can't get it stable enough via the audio interface. I can get the prodos 8, and prodos by itself. But when I go to load the adptpro client. Some times it won't load correctly and other times when it does. I can't get a stable transfer. Now I know what you might be thinking. That is just becaue I'm not using a serial card. But I have the same issue with other programs. The larger the program. The worse it is. So I'm thinking an issue in the upper bank. I also unplugged the 64 k card and put the system back to 48. Same result. So tommorow I will swap the chips aruond and double check and clean all the legs.




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If the only issue you are

If the only issue you are seeing is transferring files with ATDPro then it may not be a RAM problem.

I had issues transferring files a few years back and it was because I didnt use full handshaking on the serial link.


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I'll be looking for a serial card on the 1st if I have money.

If I have enough money. I'll be looking for a serial card on the first. They seems to go on ebay for about $35.00 Maybe somebody in the group will have one for shipping or something. But I'll post that in the proper area. I do see other issues though that if it was on a pc from back in the day would indicate a ram issue. I have a few other things it could be too.


* Bad audio going in and out of computer and or bad audio cable. Though I tried different cables.


1. Possible Ram.

2. Possible Bad disks.  (I can tell on the sound of some of them. They are bad disks.)

3. Possible disk drive problem.   (The drive didn't even work until I cleaned it and lubed it.)

4. Fighting keyboard issues too.


The big mystery and perhaps somebody could point this out. As listed above. The prodos 8 seems to boot strap fine along with the dos stand alone. It isn't until I load the client that it won't lood correctly. Mostly the display looks messed up. Sometimes some of the letters in the ADTPRO is messed up. As other programs I can't tell if we have bad disks or that for instance they take up more ram. I do tknow a few things always sems to work. Like loading the apple logo disk or another apple boot disk. I'm sure the more I use it. The more I'll norrow it down. But I don't want to get carried away. So right now I stuck the unit in antoher room to leave it alone. Then we I get a serial card or have some time to dig into it again. I can.  Once again thanks for the help.


Thank You,




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ADTPro requires 64kb

It might be a memory issue, but not due to failed DRAM.


ADTPro requires 64kb to run. Do you have a 16kb RAM (or language) card installed?

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Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
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Yes I do.

Yes the machine came with a Micosoft language 16k card.





Last seen: 2 months 4 weeks ago
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I'll again recommend running

I'll again recommend running diagnostics software like the Apple Dealer Diagnostics or XPS.  Those have a thorough RAM test, ROM test and also will let you do things like test the floppy disk RPMs.


Other things you can try if you suspect a memory issue in a ][+ is to swap the chips from different banks and see if the behavior changes.  It can be a lot of work to narrow down which chip(s) is/are bad, but it may point you in the right direction pretty quickly too.



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