Nox Archaist Kickstarter is LIVE!

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Posts: 17
Nox Archaist Kickstarter is LIVE!
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I am pleased to announce that the Kickstarter campaign for the boxed edition of Nox Archaist is now live!


Click here to pledge!


What's better than a brand new, hand-coded 8-bit classic 80s era tile based RPG?  Answer: One that comes in an awesome collector's edition box with lots of cool physical goodies!

What's even better than that?  When the game will also feature an NPC appearance by Lord British, the alter ego of Richard Garriott, the creator of the Ultima series of games!


Pledges include the following awesome stuff:

*Full color collector’s game box

*Cloth map

*Printed manual

*Game artifacts such as coins of the realm and various other cool trinkets


All Nox Archaist boxed editions will include 5.25" floppy disks for real Apple II hardware and a flash drive for Mac and Windows PC emulators. The game will also run on real and emulated hard drives with ProDOS installed.


We can't wait to get Nox Archaist into a collector's edition box and put it in your hands.

Click here to pledge!


-Mark Lemmert & the 6502 Workshop Team

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