ADT Pro and VisiCalc

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Joined: Feb 23 2006 - 02:24
Posts: 281
ADT Pro and VisiCalc


I want to use some calculations that I have made with VisiCalc on a real Apple II+ with the Emulator AppleWin.

So I tried to send with ADT Pro via Ethernet the DiskImage of the real Disk to the PC - but ADT Pro on the real Apple IIe says I/O Error while trying to read the Disk in Slot (I tried different Disks - they are all o.k.). I can send it to the PC but ADT Pro on the real Apple IIe says "send with errors". If I run VisiCalc on AppleWin and try to load the Data Disk VisiCalc says I/O Error.

So I tried to to initialize a Disk on the Emulator with VisiCalc (to send this from the PC to the real Apple and put there with VisiCalc my data on it)- but also here:"I/O Error".

How to send a Disk with VisiCalc data from a real Apple IIe with ADT Pro to the PC?

Had anyone similar problems?

Has VisiCalc a "special" initializing method?

/////// problem solved ///////

at comp.sys.apple2 I got the answer - I had a bad VisiCalc version from Apple.asimov - the zip version is o.k.!