Hi so I had my Apple IIGS with Rom 3 hooked up to my WinPC months ago and transferred a bunch of IIGS games to 3.5's using ADT Pro 1.8 via a Super Serial Card in the IIGS's 7th Slot "Your Card Slot"..I actually tried all slots just to try..and with a Null Modem cable going into my SCSI port on my PC.. and I set the settings in ADT and in the control panel on my IIGS for 9600 speed. Weird things is it worked fine months ago on the IIGS I hadn't even moved the card around since I transferred last on the IIGS, and now for some reason on the Apple IIGS side I can't into the directory or if I do I just see a < or > at the top of the (D)ir page, like it's speed is messed up or it can't read it right for some reason. The other weird thing is I can plug the exact same Super Serial card into my IIE with the exact same ADT settings and it reads the directory fine and I can transfer. What could have happened in a couple of months where I now can't get it to connect with my IIGS using the same settings? I want to be able to transfer games to the 3.5 drives for my IIGS. I go into the Control Panel on the IIGS and set it for Normal Speed, and The Baud Rate for 9600, and plug the Super Serial into the 7th slot labeled "Your Card" in the control panel, but like I said I tried all the other slots too and have had no luck either. Would very much appreciate any help and thanks a bunch!
Also.. could it be some kind of battery problem on the IIGS? The same Serial Card and Null Modem Cable + Settings Work Perfect On The IIE.. No Clue)= Thanks!
Apple IIGS Rom 3 Not Connecting To ADT For Transfers, My IIE Works Fine With Same Settings & Super Serial Card/Cable Pls Help!
January 4, 2016 - 11:59pm
Apple IIGS Rom 3 Not Connecting To ADT For Transfers, My IIE Works Fine With Same Settings & Super Serial Card/Cable Pls Help!
I can still think of a few variables that have not been explored. For example, did you try to make a new ADTPro disk on the iie and use that?
Did you give the iigs a self diagnostic/RAM diagnostic?
I can go on, but I think that the creator of ADTPro who is active here can help you more than I can.
BTW: Why use a SSC on the iigs? Why not just use the proper cable from the iigs port to your PC?
I doubt your PC has a SCSI port but even so the SCSI port has nothing to do with serial RS232 transfers!
In the control panel of your //GS you set up the built-in serial ports on the motherboard of your //GS computer. Since you do not use them these settings are irrelevant. Instead use the Configuration menu of the adtpro to see which serial port is recognized and make sure that the SSC card is the one adtpro uses. Also set the same speed (115200 bps) on both ends, e.g. in adtpro menus on the //GS and on the PC side!
Yes, the comp I am connecting to actually has 2 scsi ports. Also I did try making a new ADT disk and tried all versions even. I am using a Super Serial card just like on the website and like I said it was working perfect before. I like the idea of just connecting straight to the modem port on the IIGS with a different cable. It might just work instead of connecting it to the Super Serial card. As far as the RS232 transfers.. yeah before I would connect a null modem cable to my Super Serial card I put in the IIGS and then to a SCSI port on my PC and it worked perfect. On the PC side when you start ADT I would select "Serial" since that's how it was connected. This method still works fine on my IIE just not the IIGS. I will try it using the IIGS's modem port and see what happens. Where is the best place to find a cheap modem cable for the IIGS to connect to PC? Thanks
That's not a SCSI port, that's a serial port. Just because something looks the same doesn't mean that it is the same. ADTPro does not transfer anything using a SCSI port.
There is only one place:
Make sure you get the "Apple IIgs, IIc+, LC III null modem" cable.
Have you entered and checked the [C]onfiguration menu of adtpro at the Apple side as I suggested in my previous post? Have you checked the similar menu at the PC side? Or, you are still explaining to everyone how your adtpro worked via the dual SCSI ports on your PC? This makes you look stupid to everyone else here!
Come on Georgel.
Be nice.
Lol thanks for the defense! Been sick in bed, and I do stand corrected they are serial ports got the words mixed up sorry for being an idiot!(= Ok so I did check the ADP Pro Config on the GS side and the correct slot 7 was selected, normal speed, and I disabled the modem slot, and I know I have the windows side ADT right because I can plug in my IIE and it works perfectly with the settings for the port and speed on windows ADT. Crazy thing is I finally got the IIGS to go into the Directory where my files are KINDA I think, but you could just see a few scambled letters from a few of the directory's files on the screen. I then again assumed it was a speed setting issue between the 2, so I went and tried all the speeds matched up on both sides of ADT on the IIGS and Windows. Starting at 300 I couldn't even get them to connect. I think it only started acting like it wanted to read it but was scrambled and just a few letters showing around 19 and 15k. I seem to remember having issues like this when I first bought a whole ADT setup online and when I emailed the guy about it and told him I have a IIGS I think he told me to change the jumpers to a different setting or told me to use a different version of ADT or something..it's been awhile not sure anymore. I really hope I don't have the same problem if I buy one of those $25 cables for the modem connection. Honestly wish I could just get this thing working again lol. Went at it for over an hour again today with the same results. Even tried using different slots in the IIGS settings like the smart port and changing other slots to "your card" and moved the SS Card around, but still no dice. Also tried using the other serial port on my PC, tried using different version ADT 2.4, 1.1.8 and others but nada. Thanks again!!
Hello DrewsAp,
just some questions for confirmation about the Windows Computer in that setup....:
Did you install there new software in the meantime ?
Did you perform there new Service Packs or Updates at the Java Platform ?
maybe the issues are forced by changes in the JAVA platform with new sort of bug ?
i know that experts would insert the objection that the setup still works with
the IIe and therefor the ADT should still behave at the windows side same as before
and therefor the change must have occured at the IIGS side.... ( besides: did he really recheck this statement ? )
and i´d surely would recommend to make notes about the setup to avoid repeating of
not operating setups and examining the differents setup´s with system....
and of course to keep notes about correct working setups.....
In general my advise would be, to stay at the IIGS side with standard setup:
SSC card in slot 2
slot 2 set at options to: your card
transmisssions parameters set to:
8 databits
no parity
2 stop bits
19000 baud
and same settings at the windows side....
and of course at windows and at IIGS side both should use same version of ADT !
then i´d check that at windows side the
parameter for the working directory is set to correct path.....
to finally mention:
you should also re-check kind of protocol communication:
hardware control, Xon /Xoff , or software control.....
that defines which wires of the cable are used besides transmit data and recieve data....
and unless the connection works, i´d then not change speed nor parameters....
and just only examine setting of the plug at the SSC: modem or printer arrow upside
and fitting of the cables with special eyemark if there are any connecters between with loose connection....
in general working along this list should lead to some kind of result...
otherwise i would start thinking about integrity of the RAM at the IIGS....
( i.e. Battery backup of clock and Options panel content )
sincerely speedyG
P.S. Update:
If then there still is a mystery remaining:
please also bear in mind the integrity of the contents of a floppy disk.
If you store or place them close to magnetic field ( like large loudspeaker of
home entertainment ) or strong electro-magnetic fields ( like large transformers )
invisible hands creep ahead to that floppy disks and strange things may happen....
DrewsAp, I am beginning to think that you need assistance via a Skype video call. It looks like there are too many variables to deal with here. But heck - I could be wrong.