Issue with space key on Apple IIc

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Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Joined: Aug 27 2015 - 10:33
Posts: 7
Issue with space key on Apple IIc

Yesterday I was hooking up an Imagewriter II to my Apple IIc. I was issuing PR#1 commands to test the setup and suddenly the space key stopped working. I rebooted the computer several times, disconnected all the cables, and basically tried everything I could think of but no cigar. I don't know if the malfunction is related to my set up of the Imagewriter II or a mere coincidence. Bottom line, my space key no longer works.

Do you have any recommendations for additional troubleshooting? If it comes down to the fact that the space key switch is bad, what are my options?


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Re: Issue with space key on Apple IIc

Yesterday I was hooking up an Imagewriter II to my Apple IIc. I was issuing PR#1 commands to test the setup and suddenly the space key stopped working. I rebooted the computer several times, disconnected all the cables, and basically tried everything I could think of but no cigar. I don't know if the malfunction is related to my set up of the Imagewriter II or a mere coincidence. Bottom line, my space key no longer works.

Do you have any recommendations for additional troubleshooting? If it comes down to the fact that the space key switch is bad, what are my options?


I would think Coincidence....

I haven't had a //c for a long time, so I will let someone with more //c experience give you guidance...


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Posts: 42
Re: Issue with space key on Apple IIc

If you are good at hardware engineering start looking for corrosive solder points; that'll probably fix your issues. It sounds like whenever you connected your proj yet it caused a pull of power, and having a week or corrosive solder point may have just shorted, causing the issue. If you need help diagnosing pm me; I'm an hardware engineer and we can worth thru it via phone.


Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
Joined: Aug 27 2015 - 10:33
Posts: 7
Re: Issue with space key on Apple IIc

Just a quick update on the matter. I ended up finding an experienced vintage Apple repair technician in NY that took on the job of replacing the key switch and check the other switches as well. This will hopefully fix the problem. Given my *extremely limited* hardware experience (I am a software engineer), this is the best solution for me. This being said, thanks for having reviewed and responded to my question, I appreciate the help.

Question: how many software engineers does it take to replace a light bulb? Answer: none, it is a hardware problem ;-).


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