An other replica...

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An other replica...

I found this site on google...

It appears the board is not from Mike or Mike.
If I understand correctly, the guy made a batch of 10. (1600rub or 44usd for one board).

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Re: An other replica...

Well I looked at his pics and there are a lot of things that are not right and the quality of the board looks poor. Very similar to the cheap boards I order when I have projects made overseas.

Considering the cost of all the other components, you might as well buy a Mimeo from Mike Willegal and get something of quality as a base for your build.


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Re: An other replica...

I don't think the guy is selling more board anyway. It appears he did a batch for forum members.

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Re: An other replica...

seems that Russia will turn out to become the new version of Taiwan of the 80´s......
just a poor "copy cat" ......
PCB production in Russia is still at the level of Europe or USA at the change of the century
( somewhere at 2000 )....
but anyhow - it´s a good chance to waste money and collect some experience ....
i just doubt the experience to turn out to be good one...

One thing remarkeble:
the board does not contain a copyright like the smiley and "Willegal Logo"....

therefor it will be interesting to watch till the first of this replica boards will enter
at an auction house claiming to be a "real Apple 1" fake for idiots...


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Re: An other replica...

Too many tell tale signs of a replica. They can be spotted for various reasons. Unless you took a time machine back or had a blank real PCB scanned the traces modern replicas will always have that "digital" quality to them. This is not the case for the Apple II which was digitally done. PCB work back then was an art whose experts are no longer around.

Also the same materials just aren't available so there are tell tale signs. Newton tried to replicate the production process, but the materials couldn't be matched so the results were different.

There are other things I'd rather not publicly post that are dead give always.


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Posts: 45
Re: An other replica...

I don't think he designed the board to make money! He is not pretending it's a real apple 1 (and as Corey said, it's easy to tell it's not a real one)
So don't be too hard on him.
In my opinion, it's a nice replica... (better than obtronix boards for exemple).

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Re: An other replica...

My guess of possible abuse targeted rather more to one of the buyers,
than to the fellow who made the board....
of course knowledgable people will be able to recognize the differences...

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