TiPowerBook DVI Max HD Size? It's not 128GB!

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TiPowerBook DVI Max HD Size? It's not 128GB!

I recently acquired a Titanium PowerBook DVI 867. It needed a new hard drive, so I got a used Seagate Momentus 160GB.

Previous information, and confirmations like the paragraph below from the iFixIt site, indicated that you could only have 128GB of the drive recognized. I was okay with that and went ahead with the installation, formatting, and loading it up with the latest OS and sundry support hardware to make it run OS 10.4.11. However when doing the formatting the system reported that it there was 149GB available, and after all the OS software installation/upgrades it reports that there is 139GB available! It's a nice bonus, but now I'm wondering how large of an ATA drive this thing would recognize. Has anyone else here encountered this?

-From iFixIt:
Your computer uses 2.5" ATA drives, not SATA like newer computers. You can have any capacity hard drive in your computer. However, your computer will not support any partition larger than 128GB. If you were to buy a 320GB drive (one of the bigger sizes for 2.5" ATA drives) you would have to have to partition it into 3 partitions, and then Mac OS would be able to be installed on it.