Power Mac G4 (AGP) Airport Card

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Power Mac G4 (AGP) Airport Card

I picked up a regular old Airport card for my G4 and it is causing some strange problems. If it is inserted, there is no video signal. I've never seen this happen before and Google is pretty dry on the topic.

Edit: Additional Info

So, I do get a chime with the card installed. Fans, HDD are spinning. I can hear it working, just no video.

I am new to OS 9 and extensions. Is it possible that the extension for the ATI Rage card is conflicting with the extension for the Airport card? I can't imagine that'd be the case since both cards are so common/stock.

Is it possible to change the order in which extensions load? I am just guessing at this point, but perhaps changing the order (if possible) could affect the situation?

The easiest solution is the one I've heard most often. "Sounds like a defective Airport card." Although, I've been unable to find anything officially saying this could be the case. I guess I could try my luck and spring for another card. Just thought I'd throw it out there before I went to that.


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Re: Power Mac G4 (AGP) Airport Card

Do you happen to have another video card you could pop in and try the two together?

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Re: Power Mac G4 (AGP) Airport Card

Unfortunately, no. I don't think I've even powered it up since I posted this. I got sidetracked with other pursuits.

Have you experienced this behavior before?

What makes you think video card?

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Re: Power Mac G4 (AGP) Airport Card

Yes, you can change the load order of OS 9 extensions. You'd need to boot up from a CD, hopefully 9.2.2, then rename the extension. Put a tilde ~ in front of the filename.

It may be worth trying booting into Open Firmware to see if you get video at that point. Hold down Command-option-O-F quickly after pressing the power button.

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