Hi gang, I was recently thinking about buying one of ReactiveMicro's Mockingboard v1a sound cards, but alas I debated too long and their online store is now closed.
Is there another source for these cards? I saw that Tom Arnold was responsible for the v1a design...can boards be ordered from him directly?
The main reason I want one is for the enhanced sound capabilities, but I also really like the idea of having volume control over my IIe via external speakers.
Are there other reputable currently-made boards that do the same "volume control" thing?
I also posted a WTB in the marketplace forum, but figure I should mention here that if you have a v1 or v1a for sale, please let me know!
Just hold on.
Reactive is only down temporarily.
If you go to A2central.com site there is a blurb there as to why.
There is a guy who sells Korean Mockingboard clones on eBay. I don't see one there right now, but if you keep an eye out, he'll probably pop up again. I'm sure you could find his ID by searching completed auctions.
I just saw this post and figured even though its rather old I would reply to it.
I'm Tom Arnold. No no, not the actor/comedian… I did the Mockingboard v1a.
While Henry has the store closed, when people have found me ( or Henry has had time to dig through his email and forward them to me ) I have been selling v1a's that I have left. Same price as Henry has listed in the store.
I havent yet decided if I'm going to make another batch after this or not. It really depends on how many of the AY chips I have left and if there is demand.
Anyhow, if you are still looking for one or if someone else has stumbled across this page and is looking for one, drop me an email tom@philosophyofsound.com.
Wow. What a response! I have no populated boards left. There seems to be enough interest that at the very least I'll order another batch of boards for people who have the chips. I may have enough of the 8913's to do another 10 or so boards, but that'll be it I think unless I get lucky. I need to keep enough chips so I can test the Phasor prototypes when the time comes ( don't hold your breath on this one, Henry and I have been discussing it for a while and I've been trying to free up the time to devote to it... ).
Hey Tom, that's great! And just so you know, the reason I didn't respond to your recent post was that shortly after I posted the original message back in summer 2011 I contacted Henry and he sold me one of your boards. I've been using it in my Apple IIe ever since, and simply can't imagine using my computer without it! But thanks for replying to my inquiry; sure sounds like a lot of others appreciated the update, too.
Hello to all together,
i just like to mention that i had opened a topic at:
due to the fact that i didn´t find this thread again after i read it several months ago...
in fact there is also a thing i´d mention to Tom:
several months ago a guy sold the soundchips at ebay and i ordered some....
he still offers that chip at ebay :
so probably this could be a source for another batch....
sincerely speedyG
A2Central probably brought the rain.