Sad Apple mice

These are sad apple mice.



I don't get it. Why are they sad? And personification of these items??


gsmcten's picture

I think Jermy was commenting on the state of disrepair that these particular mice are in. It was in another recent post. Smile

Thanks Steven, it makes sense when you put it in context.

I've tried to upload "attach file" to my post. But no picture showed up. Anyone here can help me get my jpeg images uploaded onto this site??


eeun's picture

This image thread refers to the thread here

Anyone here can help me get my jpeg images uploaded onto this site??

On the menu to your left, click Create Content, then click Image in the expanded menu.

Once the image is uploaded, you should be on a page displaying the image. Note the url in your browser, and you can either paste that into a post with img tags, or use square brackets enclosing thumb:XXXXXX, to show a clickable thumbnail, with XXXXXX being the number at the end of the image url.

Got it! Thanks for the advice.


crazy jermy's picture

Yes, Steve was right, I was commenting on the state of these mice. I literally pulled them out of the trash can. You can read my post about repairs and why they are sad here: