SmartLaunch 1.2 - application launcher

Tired of searching through folders and menus for applications? SmartLaunch
is a MacOS utility for launching applications. It works somewhat like
Internet Explorer 5. If you type part of the name of the application a list
will show all applications on your local hard drives with names containing
the text you've written.
You can navigate the list with the up/down keys or you can click items with
the mouse. You launch an application by hitting the return or enter key, or
by doubleclicking it in the list.
Other features:
You can reveal the selected application in the Finder or get info about the
You can drag from the list to the Finder to move or copy the application, or
to make an alias of it. (Done by holding down the standard Finder modifier
You can drag a file from the Finder to the list and have it opened by the
application it is dropped on.

SmartLaunch is freeware

Version 1.2 adds preferences for which drives to search for applications as
well as settings for what to do after launch (quit/hide/do nothing).

PPC Macintosh
MacOS 7.0 or later

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This application may be included on CD-Roms.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File smart-launch-12.hqx652.9 KB