MI Convert 1.1 Light

MI Convert Light 1.1 is a Metric and Imperial conversion program
for converting: Miles & Klms, Metres & Feet, Square measurement,
Weight, Capacity, Temperature and Pressure.

MI Convert Light:

- will run on OS 7.5 or better.
- will run on 68k and Power PC computers.
- is freeware.
- is available in both English & Spanish versions.
- compressed .hqx file size is 1000k

Changes from 1.0.4 to 1.1:

- This version is mainly to update outdated information within the program
although a few other minor alterations where made including the addition of
a pressure window for mm Hg and in Hg.
- Added more decimal placing formatting depending on values.
- Fixed an error on Centigrade calculations.

MI Convert 1.1 May be distributed on AMUG, Info-Mac and UMich CDs.

Web site: http://econspftware.com

E-mail: mailto:econ@kagi.com

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/sci/calc/mi-convert-light-11.hqx

File mi-convert-light-11.hqx1.06 MB
File Type: 