EG&G/MCS file converter 1.5

This is a sci-tech related utility program to easily convert data files
from an EG&G multi-channel scaler to a mac text format which can be opened
in a spreadsheet.

The MCS format is supposed to be pretty general for spectrum files, but I
don't know what kinds of other programs generate them.

This version (1.5) has a few cosmetic changes, but also has been modified
so that it can open the new MCS format which is generated by the MCS Plus
program. (The old format was called 913 Format, and I don't know the
official name of the new format.)

The program is a fat binary which automatically converts files which are
dropped onto its icon. It has been tested on various PowerMacs and 68k
desktop machines and a powerbook.

Please e-mail me any comments,
Steven Haddock

Path: /www/exparrot/

File egg-mcs-file-converter-15.hqx83.92 KB
File Type: 