csmp digest Vol 4 No 029

C.S.M.P. Digest
Sat, 14 Dec 96
Volume 4 : Issue 29

Today's Topics:

'ictb' resources
Accessing Volumes directory?
Drag Manager in IM?
Is it OK to distribute Sprocket Libs with shareware?
Opening folders in the Finder
Playing Sounds
PrintDefault fails for certain printers
Question about Updating Scroll Bars (include code)
Recognizing TIFF
Setting the Sound Volume
Text Engine Source code needed
WAV File Format
[Q] Adding command keys to buttons in dialog-alert
[Q] Force Finder update when changing file Creator-Type
[Q] Imaging Libraries for the Mac (cross-platform?)
[Q] TCP-IP develpment kit
[Q] Writing STR# to resource
[Q]: jGNE-Filter (onomastic Question)

The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Mark Aiken

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