
WhiteBoard provides a shared painting environment between two Mac's over
the Internet. It was written by Cliff McCollum
and is available for FREE. And no, there isn't a windows version

This program was originally created mostly as a personal experiment in
using Threaded networking under PowerPlant. Please be aware that printing
isn't finished, it may have a few bugs, and isn't terribly pretty - but
it does work.

I completed WhiteBoard in November of 1995 and it had just been sitting
around since then. One day, in a fit of computer cleaning, I stumbled
across it on my hard drive: I had almost forgotten it existed.

Rather than throw it out, I thought I'd give it away.

Remember that this program is offered *AS IS*. I have only tested it on
five or six different setups, though I expect it should work most
everywhere. Please don't expect WhiteBoard to be commercial quality as I
haven't polished it enough to release it as shareware. But it does work,
and I'm sure that some of you will find it useful.

Also, despite that fact that it is offered for free, WhiteBoard remains
Copyright (c) 1997 Cliff McCollum. Feel free to distribute WhiteBoard
however you please, so long as this "Read Me" file is included along with
the program.

System requirements:
* System 7.5 or greater (or System 7.1 with the Thread Manager)
* MacTCP or OpenTransport
* A connection to the Internet

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/comm/inet/whiteboard-10.hqx

File whiteboard-10.hqx397.1 KB