BBS-ANSI Telnet (fat) patch

NCSA Telnet 2.7 supports most ANSI color sequances. It does not however,
contain a graphical font for display of ANSI graphics. BBS-ANSI Telnet
has a few added resources to allow use of such graphics. The graphical
font used comes from Zterm, a great shareware program that you should
check out!

Included are:

* BBS-ANSI Telnet (fat) patch
Patches NCSA Telnet 2.7b4 to support ANSI graphics.

* NCSA Telnet Preferences
Preferances that include an ANSI terminal. Choose it instead of
"" to open an ANSI BBS window.

* ansitest.gz
This is an ANSI test file for those of you who don't have an ANSI
graphic handy. It is compressed with GNUZip because FTP tends to
eat ANSI chars.

This is a quick hack by Dean Brissinger ( Enjoy,
and let me know if there is a better ANSI Terminal out there! Use of this
software is AT YOUR OWN RISK. I needed an ANSI Telnet program, and quickly
hacked two programs together to get one. I do not own this software, it
belongs to it's authors at NCSA and those who wrote Zterm. This patch
simply copies the font from Zterm and drops it into NCSA Telnet 2.7b4 (fat).

Path: /www/exparrot/

File ansi-bbs-telnet-patch.hqx46.17 KB