This is the long awaited sequel to InterMod1 (now in revision 3).
Have attached a new training module that I have developed for work. It's
contains the lowdown on a number of aspects of the Internet that can be a
bit difficult to grasp. It is not meant for experts, but is a
continuation of the first Module.
It's easy to follow, and installation instructions are included. It's not
a stack, or an application, just a formatted series of Claris HomePage
HTML doc's that do a bit of explaining.
Like the first one, it's free, so have fun. (remember to eMail me when
you download it)
InterMod 1r3 has now been translated into more than 10 languages by
enthusiasts around the world, and is available on sites everywhere. It
has also been included on MacAddict.
Phil S Brisbane AUSTRALIA
#### TEXT listserv-eudora-faq-2.txt ****
Dear Digest readers and readers of the archive,
Sorry for the repost, but there was a slight misunderstanding of my
previous post.
So here is a slightly revised edition that should clear up that
For anyone having trouble using EasyView as a means of reading the Listserv
of comp.sys.mac.digest this FAQ is for you.
A. Software requirements:
Eudora 1.5.3 or Eudora 1.5.4.
EasyView 2.6.1 (shareware)
PPP or SLIP connection
B. Assuming you are already getting the archive by e-mail from one of the
listservs that distributes it you will want to do to do the following -
1. In the Finder - Be sure that the document with the "V" icon and name
Path: /www/exparrot/
Attachment | Size |
internet-training-module-2.hqx | 139.46 KB |