Hermes II 3.5.2, a BBS

Hermes II is a full-featured general purpose Macintosh BBS. It allows
simultaneous operation of 10 dial-in, network or local connections. It will
operate on all CPU types from a Mac Plus to a Power Mac running System 6.0.5 or
newer. Hermes general configuration consists of message conferences, file
transfer sections, E-Mail, a general text library and provisions for external
applications. No special client software is required for users to connect to
Hermes, and communications applications from virtually any computer type can
connect to the BBS.

This is the complete Hermes II v3.5.2 application & updater This archive may be
distributed freely so long as it is not modified from it's original state and all
older Hermes applications are removed. Copyright 1997 - Arachnoware

Path: /www/exparrot/

File hermes-ii-352.hqx531.95 KB