Audiocorder OSX 3.3.0

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Audiocorder is a program which allows your Mac to act as volume operated
(VOX) audio recorder, as well as a standard audio recorder, much like a
tape recorder.. It allows you to set the volume that the sound must reach
to begin recording, and the volume at which it should end recording. It
also allows you to set the trigger length for the start and stop values,
which helps you to eliminate recording short bursts of sound or ending the
recording process during a short pause (such as in normal speach). It may
also be used as a normal manually operated recorder. If you have an
internal modem, it can record telephone calls. In addition, it can play
AIFF sound files, including those created with other sound programs.

Each sound file can stored in AIFF format, a Macintosh standard sound
format, as well as the Windows WAVE format. The audio is sampled at 11, 22
or 44 kHz, with a sample size of 8 or 16 bits, either monophonic or stereo.
The name of each file contains the date and time (down to seconds) the
recording began.

Audiocorder is used in a wide variety of applications, including digitizing
LPs and tapes, recording animals and other natural sounds, and automated
recording of radio transmissions.

Audiocorder may also be programed with a recording schedule, specifying
when it should start and stop recording, much like a VCR.

It may also be used as a normal manually operated recorder. In addition, it
can play AIFF sound files, including those created with other sound

Finally, Audiocorder can record telephone conversations, using just your
internal modem.

Shareware, $20.

Chris Smolinski

Path: /www/exparrot/

File audiocorder-330-x.hqx812.09 KB
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