Cyclone II 1.0.2; shoot-em-up space game

High Risk Ventures, Inc., creators of PegLeg (recently inducted into
Macworld Magazine's Hall of Fame as the Best Shoot-em-up for 1995), is
proud to announce the latest addition to their Digitally Remastered
Classics (tm) series. Cyclone II is the long-awaited sequel to the first
game in this popular series.

Cyclone started with the classic video game Star Castle, and updated it for
the 90's, adding new weapons, shields, bonus points and challenge levels, as
well as state-of-the-art color graphics and sound. In Cyclone, an evil
enemy base sits in the middle of the screen, surrounded by three rotating
shield rings. The rings are segmented, and the individual segments can be
destroyed, allowing weapons to pass through to or from the enemy base when
holes in the three rings line up. The base also protects itself with a
never-ending supply of you-seeking guided mines. Your task is to use your
trusty FireHawk 6000 spaceship to blast through the enemy's defenses and
blow the base to smithereens.

Cyclone has received excellent reviews (four out of five mousesticks from
Inside Mac Games) and has gained widespread popularity. Cyclone II adds a
bunch of cool new stuff to the original. More powerups to aid your noble
quest for destruction. A new bonus level to challenge your skills and
savvy. Three difficulty levels (Boring, Fun and Frustrating) to make your
life easier or more exciting. Full color background starfield pictures to
soothe the senses. Four channels of digital sound. Power Macintosh native
code. And a volume control that goes to eleven, giving you that extra edge
when you need it most.

Cyclone II requires a Macintosh system capable of displaying 256 colors.
It runs well on any 68K Mac, from the original Mac II to the latest Performa,
and is accelerated for Power Macintosh. Cyclone II is a commercial-quality
product, offered as $14.95 shareware.


Path: /www/exparrot/

File cyclone-ii-102.hqx1.62 MB
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