Pillbug Golf 2.0 - Learn about points, slopes, and angles while you putt!

Curry K. Software

Pillbug Golf 2.0

Learn points, slopes, and angles while you putt! Pillbug Golf features
pleasant graphics, challenging problems, and engaging game play to give
students fun, practical experience with these math skills.

Version 2.0 adds a nine-hole course, a funky high scores screen, saved
games, new and improved music, speech, a player's guide formatted for
printing, and fixes for a couple of glitches in previous versions.

PowerPC required, >100 MHz recommended. Plays great on iMac! $12
shareware, 1MB download.

Website: http://www.kagi.com/curry


For including in shareware collections such as CDs, contact author as
indicated in the Read Me file.

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/game/pillbug-golf-202a.hqx

File pillbug-golf-202a.hqx1.25 MB
File Type: 