
Overload is TechnoGeeks Software's entry into the real game market. In
this puzzler, you must find the correct combination of electrical pulses
to short circuit the bomb ticking away in front of you. As a recruit to
the elite bomb squad SBDA, it's up to you to defuse each bomb set by an
unknown terrorist that makes all the Mad Bombers you've seen in the
movies look like firecracker salesmen. Or, practice up in the SBDA
simulator. Because in the once you go out on missions: you lose, you
come home in a spoon.

$5 shareware, missions disabled before registration,
Requires 5MB Hard Drive Space (1 MB Download), 1200k RAM, Millions of
Colors Suggested

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/game/overload.hqx

File overload.hqx1.38 MB
File Type: 