Math Market

"Math Market" is a game for children to play which includes fun sounds,
bright colors, and photo's. A player answers math problems to earn Math
Market Money which may be spent at the Math Market. They may also make
enough Math Market money to burst the piggybank. The problems include a
choice of (Number Order) using the numbers 1-100, (Addition) using the
numbers 1-9, (Subtraction) using the numbers 1-9, and (Multiplication)
using the numbers 1-9.

Directions can be read at every area of the game.
The memory of your HyperCard or HyperCard Player will need to be set up
to 3000 for power Mac's and 2000 for other Mac's before the stack will
run correctly and show color.

Math Market is freeware. I would love to hear what you think.
Diane Bundy

Path: /www/exparrot/

File math-market.hqx416.39 KB
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