GNU Flex 2.4.6 for THINK C 6.0

Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 12:01:24 -0400 (EDT)

This is GNU Flex version 2.4.6 compiled in Symantec C++ 6.0. Flex is the GNU
lex-compatible lexical analyzer. This version is a minimal port to the
Macintosh - the only changes were to call ccommand() in main() to get the
command-line arguments.

This file replaces the THINK-C version of Flex 2.3.7. A compiled application is
included, so you do not need Symantec C++ in order to use Flex 2.4.6. Full
documentation is included, as are the sources per the GNU Public License.
Macintosh-specific release notes are included in flex-2.4.6:MISC:Macintosh.

I am currently working on a CodeWarrior port, with an enhanced front end - not
just the ccommand() dialog box. Any other questions, please drop me a line.


J. Scott Hofmann | "Back off, man, I'm a scientist!" | -Dr. Peter Venkman, _Ghostbusters_

Path: /www/exparrot/

File gnu-flex-246-c.hqx528.31 KB
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