Devil's Cubes 1.0.1 (source code)

Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 18:50:12 -0500 (EST)

The Devil's Cubes are a set of four cubes, each painted with four colors
with some colors repeated. All four cubes are different. The object of
the game is to rotate the four cubes until the top of each Devil's Cube
is a different color than the top of the other three cubes, and likewise
for the bottom, front, and back of each Devil's Cube. Sound simple? Try
it for a few hours.

Devil's Cubes 1.0.1 fixes some technical bugs and makes some changes to the
icon suite; you may need to rebuild your desktop if you already have version
1.0. This game is distributed under the GNU General Public License; this
archive contains complete THINK C source code for the Devil's Cubes
application, as well as complete source code for an external application
used to set up the game's self-integrity checker.

This archive contains both THINK C 5 and THINK C 6 project files. Use
whichever one you wish and throw away the other.

This code handles, among other things, events, menus, apple events, a prefs
file, Gestalt environment checking, asynchronous sounds, hierarchical menus,
dialogs, windows, off-screen bitmaps, file management, standard file dialogs,
and the soon-to-be-famous "cough to continue" modal dialog filter proc. None
of this is very well commented, but feel free to direct any questions to

Devil's Cubes 1.0.1 is copyright 1993, Mark Pilgrim, MerriMac Software Group.

Path: /www/exparrot/

File devils-cubes-101-c.hqx268.79 KB
File Type: 