c++advio: Advanced i/o & arithmetic compression classlib

Attached is an updated version of c++advio, an advanced i/o &
arithmetic compression classlib, Mac distribution. Please replace an
old version
which you currently have. The most significant change is a 4-line
tweak with sharing of an i/o buffer (which became necessary as CW8 has
changed the way virtual classes are destroyed). The current
implementation hopefully gets rid of these specific dependencies for
good. All projects and the library are recompiled with CW8. For the
first time it became possible to use PowerPC alignment of structures
in the CW projects that use C++ streams (it crashed before).

c++advio: Various advanced i/o codings of streams of integers
Keywords: arithmetic coding, start-stop coding, endian i/o, compression
Hot points:
- variable-bit coding of sequences of integers
(including the Arithmetic compression)
- explicit endian specification in dealing with integer streams
- a trick of sharing a stream buffer (a "file") among several streams
- with a validation code to verify everything
- with a commented source and CW8 projects
Please see a README file for more details.

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/dev/lib/advanced-io-cpp.hqx

File advanced-io-cpp.hqx96.78 KB
File Type: 