tips for Fox programmers

The enclosed file is an html text file providing links to EveryDay
Objects, Inc., Macintosh demo applications. All you need is a browser
for the html file.

The demonstration applications were created using Prograph CPX and some
are used with the Butler server database product. The SimpleChat
applications are stand-alone internet chat programs that do not require
a chat server to operate.

See EDO's web site at for more information on
EDO. Thank you.

#### TEXT fortran-compilers.txt ****

Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 14:55 WET

Here is the collection of responses I received in response to my
query about the 'best' (most VAX-compatible, fastest) FORTRAN
compiler for the Mac. It looks like the Language Systems
compiler is the most often recommended.

Many thanks to all those who responded, especially to those who
I didn't manage to reply to individually.

Dr Alun J. Carr
Mechanical Engineering Department
University College Dublin
Dublin 4


#### TEXT fox-base-plus.txt ****

Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 21:05:07 WST

The following is a long list of tips for FoxBase+/Mac programmers
(although many are generally applicable to Foxbase).

All copyright to these notes is hereby relinquished and I transfer them to the
public domain. However, please leave this message at the top of the notes. If
you have any corrections or additional hints, forward to me and I will
incorporate them in the notes for future release.

Some of these notes may be a bit cryptic - they were written as more of a
reminder to me when coming back to FB from other environments. Feel free
to call for explanations, or mail me improved descriptions!

16th March 1993

Andy Dent

Path: /www/exparrot/

File every-day-objects-html.hqx2.72 KB
File Type: 