GraphLib 1.1 XCMD for SuperCard

GraphLib 1.1 is an XCMD library of color QuickDraw commands for drawing to the
screen from Supercard. GraphLib is shareware and sells for $25.

Why not just use the built in drawing commands in Supercard?

GraphLib is much faster than Supercard for scripted drawing to the screen.
GraphLib draws in 24 bit color and is designed for scripting. Supercard drawing
is optimized for drawing manually with the tool palette.

GraphLib has the following commands:

Bezier, ClosePoly, DrawPictureFile, DrawString, EraseOval, EraseRect, FrameArc,
FrameOval, FramePoly, FrameRect, FrameRoundRect, GetPixel, InvertRect, KillPoly,
Line, LineTo, MoveTo, OpenPoly, PaintArc, PaintOval, PaintPoly, PaintRect,
PaintRoundRect, PenMode, PenPat, PenSize, RGBBackColor, RGBForeColor, SetPixel,
TextFont, TextSize

See the information reference provided with GraphLib for more information.
GraphLib is c1996 by Michael Frazier and Gigagraphica

Path: /www/exparrot/

File graph-lib-11-xcmd-sc.hqx59.85 KB
File Type: 