Powerbook 180c Screen Tester

Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1993 17:59:21 -0400

PowerBook 180c Screen Tester
by David M. Meleedy

The Powerbook Screen Tester program for the 170 and 180 was
already written, but I wanted to have the flexibility to check each
element ( red, green, blue ) for my new 180c. So I wrote this screen
tester program which cycles between black-white-red-green-blue to test
the active matrix screen. You can also just flip between black and
white using the appropriate keys if you have a 170 or a 180.

Why test the screen? Well, there is nothing more frustrating
than dishing out thousands of dollars, only to find out that there is a
burnt out pixel in the just the right place to really annoy you. Before
you go and buy a powerbook with an active matrix screen, take this
program along with you to make sure the machine you buy has the best
screen possible.

This program is freeware, but if you really have a need to express
your gratitude, you can email me at:


p.s. if you happen to be in the Boston area, I always enjoy a few good
dark beers!

This is what we call a win-win scenario!

-David Meleedy

Path: /www/exparrot/files.tidbits.com/info-mac/cfg/pb/powerbook-180c-screen-tester.hqx

File powerbook-180c-screen-tester.hqx16.01 KB