--> You are now talking on #wwdc --- Topic for #wwdc is WWDC Live Feed (hopefully) || Discussion in #macintosh || Keynote begins at 10am PST / 1pm EST Helpme-WWDC-Keynote-wait: line moving yet? 30 Minutes to go! I'll reconnect inside if it is possible you'd better! ;) just to let everyone know, I'm monitoring a live feed on another server so if helpme cuts out I can fill in Keynote begins in 10 minutes hello? you can talk at will I'm seated near the front of where developers are allowed to sit they playing annoying music or anything? :) yeah sounds like chipmonks with a heavy bass beat I'm always amazed by the size of the media area and the VIP section I see Omni folk in the VIP section the line queueing is funny there was a line downstairs and a queue ... just to get up to the second floor where there is a second queuing ugh and of course, lots of people ignoring the queueing altogether lots of buzz in line Re: x86 was in line with a Freescale guy I'm sitting with some people you guys might know... John Welch, Dave Every, and Bill Cheeseman for the sake of people who might not now, are they prominent Mac developers? might not know lots of staff in yellow shirts running around heh place is filling up wonder if all it takes is a blog site to be media they have the sections in front standard podium setup for Apple demo station on left facing to the right and another with the screen facing the audience to the right do you see The Schiller there weren't any uncovered banners in the main areas unlike last year sorry covered banners so last year the big banners in the main areas were covered before the keynote they aren't this year hard to imagine SJ announcing a plan vs. announcing a product I wish these staff folks would get out of the way SJ on stage applause good morning thank you important day "welcome to WWDC 2005" "today is an important day" "stats on conference" 3800 attendees may be largest WWDC in history largest in the last decade applause 45 countries 38 from china 27 from india 110 lab sessions, 39 hands on 500+ apple engineers on site 400 design award entries ADC members... 500,000 members 109 retails stores retail updates 1 million visitors per week $500m 3rd party products sold in the last 12 months opened stores in mall, flagship stores, (showing London) they are trying to find the best real estate showing video on the real estate that they made for a real estate convention showing store insides showing the features of apple stores showing customers time lapse genius bar etc. summer camp presentations showing location map showing UK stores showing Japan stores showing the opening lines grand opening lines done applause update over update on ipod showing ipod mini cover of new yorker with guy w/ ipod ipod sold... cumulative 16 million 430M songs sold on ITMS 83% marketshare lots of competition but marketshare has gone up podcasting ipod + broadcasting "exploding" TiVo for radio wayne's world for radio world wide audience for low capitol investment "hottest thing going in radio" can subscribe black he's wearing black long sleeve, rolled up sleeves podcasting, not just amatuers but major commercial establishments apple will make it easier not a turtleneck low neck also building in an podcasting directory into the ITMS demo T-Mobile GPRS Adam Curry showing subscriptions of podcasts in ITMS showing adam curry's podcasting applause the content was kinda funny sorta of showing kcrw radio station "the treatment" advertisers are going to love this "taking podcasting to mainstream" over update on mac "mac is doing really well" growth rates unit growth last 5 quarters .Mac? Or the computers? PC market is growth is slwoing PowerMac Mac growth rates shot up big applause +40% growth over 3 times the growth of the rest of the industry biggest thing is Mac OS X Tiger spotlight dashboard H.264 QT7 previwing QT7 on Windows download later today shipped over 1 billiion copies of QT new mail new Safari + RSS iChat AV "tiger is the best release we've ever shipped" "critics agree" computerworld quote David Pogue quote CBSnews.com quote applause on the quotes going too fast for me to type them Detroit Free Press Walt Mossberg quote "Leaves Windows XP in the dust" wake me up if they quote me :) copies sold through retail, maintenance, Mac, 2 million copies delivered biggest release ever! 40+ splotlight plugins 400+ dashboard widgets demo on dashboard SJ on demo machine showing amazon widget showing searching apple products on amazon widget businessweek widget ;) searched for apple cnn widget countdown calendar widget countown to 12/31/2006 "longhorn" :) hmmm heh heh package tracking npr radio station widget tv shows trackers wikipedia widget description on wikipeida searched for tigers traffic widget searched for SF "a few of the 400+ dashboard widgets" demo over new site on Apple.com Tiger: what percent does this represent of all Mac users? 16% early is 10% next year expect tiger at 50% showing all releases of Mac OS X 10.0-10.4 showing Windows XP release "only one" next release Leopard not to focus at this conference to be release end of 2006 early 2007 around the time of longhorn Mac OS X Leopard, confirmed no version # transitions two major transitions 10 years ago 1994-96 oh god SJ wasn't here team did a great job but "I wasn't here" 2nd Mac OS 9 to Mac OS X "brain transplant" 2001-2003 worlds apart in technology today it's time 3rd transition want to be making the best computers it's true!!!! PowerPC to intel processors 2006-2007 why??? "Why?" because we want to be making the best computers 3.0GHz? we haven't been able to deliver yet we haven't been able to yet not the most important "as we look ahead" "we don't know how to build them with the future of the PowerPC roadmap" we want to build some incredible products showing power power per watt roadmaps 2006 and beyond 15 units of performance / watt Intel will have 70 not a transition overnight a period of a few years great PowerPC products in the future but next year, Apple will start introducing Intel processors Mac with Intel processors 2 years form now transition is mostly complete completely finished at the end of 2007 going back over the transitions m68k -> PPC 9 -> X is everyone agasp two major challenges Making Mac OS X sing on Intel something to tell us secret double life past 5 years rumors to this effect showing cuptertino campus "we've had teams" "in a just in case scenario" designs must be processor independent every release of Mac OS X has been compiled for PowerPC and Intel peopel laughing appllause cross platform by design fromthe very beginning demo this whole time it's been on x86 about this mac P4 3.6GHZ all morning it's been x86 demo box showing splotlight "all the normal stuff just works" dashboard demo was on x86 showing ical showing dashboard widget site on x86 showing iPhoto someone asked about final cut showing Qt7 H.264 the smiths movie end of demo "very far along" in developers hands real soon second major challenge "your apps" widgets, scripts java cocoa - xcode carbon xcode carbon - metrowekrs first... just works cocoa, small tweak, recompile, just work carbon + xcode, tweak, recompile carbon - metwroworks -> move to xcode, tweak, recompile a few days for cocoa a few weeks for carbon/xcode carbon/metrowerks - ??? half top 100 devs are using xcode 25% more going to Xcode 19% not yet Xcode 2.1 giant new feature sheet "PowerPC Intel checkboxes universal binary zen artwork PowerPC/Intel Intel is black PowerPC is white :) supporting both for a very long time "get on Xcode" 'get your copy from the registration desk" nothing like carbonization much easier called a devloper asked for source code wolfram research mathematica Theo Gray coming up to stage 5 days "we get some of the most ridiculous calls from Apple sometimes" Mathematica worlds largest collection of algorithm C code Java code C++ modern template describing all the various stuff in Mathematica click checkbox "don't worry" we'll send our emergency team of mac developers points to one guy lots of applause two hours later it was running Mathematica was running in two hours twenty lines of source code change your mileage may vary Mac OS X $processor Intel 10,000 factorial almost instant Plot3D expansion (x+y)^n (n,1,100,1) huge equation (me talking): the port won't be that hard for most folks wolfram demo wrapping up most arch dependent code is isolated and Windows ports already have x86 code "rosetta" runs existing PPC on intel dynamic binary translator transparent to users runs existing apps lightweight fast (enough) demo of rosetta low memory footprint not classic wow showing Office for PPC running on emulation on Mac OS X Intel it's fast at least, it's not slow (me):most likely this is like WINE... underlying API's are native code showing Photoshop CS PPC running on x86 loading photos are fast 10.4.1 intel preview release development platform only return by end of 2006 select and premier ADC devleopers only $999 shipping in two weeks dev environment not an end user product Microsoft coming on stage oh no Roz Ho look out! lasers! General Manager Mac business unit "these are exciting times for Mac users" "microsoft has been making software for the mac platform for more than 20 years" (me): they are using the oldest toolchain she's talking about Mac specific features of Office putting final touches for Exchange usage MS has been working closely with Apple to move to Xcode plan to make universal binary versions in the future reiterating the strong relationship with Apple (me): this is very, very important... MS is committing talking about Adobe now SJ is introducing Bruce Chizen (me): Intel procs for 2006, not now Chizen is on "there wouldn't have been an Adobe w/o Apple" "our joint customers are looking for performance" "you can be absolutely sure you can run our applications on Apple's new boxes" they will make universal binaries he was up here talking about Mac OS X product line 4 years ago.. first wondered what took Steve so long Sj on stage found something amazing Intel is something like us they are passionate about their products passionate engineers Intel coming on stage Paul Otellini "so excited" "at Intel" "try to explain how we go here today" telling a silicon valley story going back 4 decades intel was founded in 1968 founded in Mountain View 5 miles away Apple was founded pictures of Steve and the Woz early signs of genetic connection explaining family and personal ties Apple goes with MOS Technology IBM goes with Intel 1976-1981 Apple goes with PPC in 1993 Intel launched Pentium competition really heated up 1996 Apple sets fire to Intel's bunny man haha showing the bunny commercial witht he fire extinguisher (me): no product announcement for general users (me): only product has been an ADC product which has its own store "the world's most innovative computer company and the world's most innovative chip company finally team up" 2005 combining our strengths no specifics on hardware yet? just "intel" ? Apple: engineering, design, and innovation Intel: architecture, scale, and relentless advanacement of Moore's Law no specifics on hardware other than 3.6GHz P4... I think that was listed as a requirement Intel: relentlessly copying AMD after our 64-bit ISA flopped or possibly... that's a machine $999 I think buys a machine cool from ADC not sure yet though SJ back on stage "so where does that leave us" "Apple is strong" "Mac is strong" "this is a great time to start building for the future" "we know transitions" "they have kept our platform at the forefront" "to continue to be bold" "to make the best products" ADC select and premier only for the dev kit (me): do not look at today's Intel x86 (me): we're talking 2006... the follow on to the P-M probably SJ is doing his recap going over ADC they will have x86 boxes for devs to work on at the conference Leapord next year at WWDC "more than even the processor, more than even the hardware innovations, the soul is the software" end