skate323k137's blog

Getting your Apple II VGA Card up and running: Ralle Palaveev version

The Ralle Palaveev VGA card is an extension of the Apple II Vga project by Mark Aikens. A few versions of this project exist, but this post is focusing on the Ralle Palaveev version, which has a lot of capabilities (and the added complexity that goes along with them).

The Brain Board II: Bringing Integer BASIC and Apple 1 emulation to your Apple IIe/II+ with a single card

I have released an updated ROM for the Brain Board II, with the focus on making it a true dual purpose card. This allows a user (especially with known good Applesoft BASIC roms / IIe system ROMs in their system) to bring Wozaniam (Apple 1) mode and Integer BASIC to a system with one card, and also always leave the systems own ROM space usable. This is nice if you have a system already nearly full of expansion cards and your ROM version is happy as-is, since previously to have both integer and applesoft BASIC with this card, you had to disable your system ROMs entirely.

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