Submitted by
tachyon on January 15, 2007 - 10:43pm
The error is logged to the Console, while running an Automator action "Add Watermark".
"WaterView: unable to create image source from " and then the URI to the image.
This was because I had moved the .jpg that it was looking for. However you have to have the console open to see this error. This is not handled properly.
Submitted by
tachyon on December 2, 2006 - 9:19am
All seems to be well in Powerbook land, because I wisely chose YDL 3 for this machine. There is a posting on the YDL forums at about installing YDL 4.1 onto the Wallstreet (Powerbook G3 Series). But it requires a customizes kernel from (thats the Apple Network Server) and much fiddling. I'm a little worried that it will render my installation inoperative, but I'll try it if I ever have to reinstall.
During the install I missed a partition but VoX helped me edit my /etc/fstab to get it back. Thanks again VoX!
Submitted by
tachyon on August 15, 2006 - 4:55pm
The most helpful error message is:
"Internal Error"
What are you supposed to do now?!