Palm post

Just a post - from my wifi Palm M500. I picked up a xircom wireless adapter and it.s pretty cool.

dan k


dankephoto's picture

Writing even a short post with Graffiti is a bitch though! Blum 3

Xircom PWE1130 Wireless LAN Adapter

Thanks to catmistake's post, I figgered I had to have one of these badboys. So far it's working, though it seems to have some issues with my LAN's DNS forwarding.

I've got EudoraWeb loaded, while not exactly what I'd call graphical it seems to do an adaquate job.

dan k

moosemanmoo's picture

Way back when I still had my Visor, I remembered that Avantgo had a mode for online page viewing. Perhaps that would be something to look at.

May I ask where did you buy that Xircom PWE1130 Wireless LAN Adapter?
I am thinking to get one myself. Thanks.

Writing even a short post with Graffiti is a bitch though! Blum 3

Xircom PWE1130 Wireless LAN Adapter

Thanks to catmistake's post, I figgered I had to have one of these badboys. So far it's working, though it seems to have some issues with my LAN's DNS forwarding.

I've got EudoraWeb loaded, while not exactly what I'd call graphical it seems to do an adaquate job.

dan k

dankephoto's picture

eBay. Here's a couple of possible title-only search strings:

xircom (palm,m500,m515,c500)

(wifi,wireless,xircom) (m500,m515,c500)

dan k

catmistake's picture

Have you given vnc a shot?

dankephoto's picture

I've had some difficulty getting the SW properly setup on the Palm. I can see the access point fine but TCP/IP works only once in awhile. I just haven't had the time or inclination to troubleshoot the issue. I suppose I'll eventually get around to it, if so I'll post results here.

dan k

dankephoto's picture

Got me an unlocked Treo 600 and posting this via t-mobile's free web access. The built-in web browser is OK, but really usable only with images shut off. Still, not too shabby for a $100 device and a $10 sim card.

I gotta try VNC yet, but my server's VNC ain't running just this minute.

dan k

themike's picture

Can it run Opera Mini?

dankephoto's picture

Not a PALM, BUT . . .

Too small a screen makes this a less-than-perfect inet appliance, at least nowadays. Now to see about hacking the cute lil' sucker . . .

dan k