Which Apple II SCSI card is the right one to keep?

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Which Apple II SCSI card is the right one to keep?

I dunno maybe this will sound like a silly question but I have the New GGlabs A2SCSI card and the original  Ram FAST SCSI card as well. Which one is better? Which should I keep? If I was to trade or sell one away, which is the better card to keep for myself and why?


Last seen: 6 hours 43 min ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 580
The GGlabs card is a little

The GGlabs card is a little more compatible with some larger drives but the Ramfast does DMA and caching so is a lot faster. Most would consider the RamFast the better card which would also mean that you’d get more for it.

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Last seen: 1 day 10 hours ago
Joined: Dec 21 2017 - 14:19
Posts: 370
Wayne wrote:The GGlabs card
Wayne wrote:

The GGlabs card is a little more compatible with some larger drives but the Ramfast does DMA and caching so is a lot faster. Most would consider the RamFast the better card which would also mean that you’d get more for it.



These are the types of answers I was looking for Thank you Wayne. So the GGlabs card dioesnt have DMA? What is it a clone of?

Last seen: 6 hours 43 min ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 580
It's a clone of the Apple Rev

It's a clone of the Apple Rev C SCSI card with the Term power mod built in

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