Looking for a good working Apple IIe RGB card - Apple part # 699-0221

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Joined: May 22 2021 - 23:52
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Looking for a good working Apple IIe RGB card - Apple part # 699-0221

Looking for a good working Apple IIe RGB card - Apple part # 699-0221  - please pm me with pics and asking price - thanks!


Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Sep 21 2020 - 04:11
Posts: 8
I would also like this

If anybody has one to sell I am also interested.

As a backstory, my school had IIe's and I would often peer carefully at the graphics in different games. I had a clone at some stage too and I was aware there were 6 hires colours (and I had accessed them using HCOLOR and HPLOT). I did not know anything about artifact colour at that stage though, not until 30+ years later when I downloaded Jim Sather's book. That cleared up a lot of mysteries for me. But one mystery still remains. On the school computers, I am sure there was no fringing or artifacting, it was a very clean display similar to the IIGS. So basically it had pure green, purple, orange or blue pixels and it would fill in the space between adjacent same coloured pixels but from what I recall it would leave one black pixel gap when changing colour. So it looked sort of like a digital decoding of artifact colour. The monitor looked like an Applecolor Monitor IIe but I think it must have been an RGB version. I am keen to own such a system if it's still possible.

cheers, Nick

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