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Is my G4 Ti pre-DVI

new toy: eeepc

I had been posting before about buying an OLPC, but once I figured out what I was looking for in a sub-notebook/PDA, it looked more and more like the Asus eeepc was what I wanted.

Had a bit of Christmas money left, so I'm now posting from my new 2G Surf version.

First thoughts: cool. Small. Cool.

The keyboard will take some getting used to. It, too, is very small.

Haven't decided whether to keep the Xandros default install or go for Ubuntu (there's an optimised version for the eee pc) or XP.

What to keep?

I have several II's and not enough room to keep them all. A pair of IIe enhanced, a plain IIe, and even a II+, all of which work. Also some spare plain IIe mb's, unknown functionality. Ditch the plus, b/c I can sustain my IIe population? Or the IIe's, b/c they rely on custom soldered in chips?


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